people of UG

people of UG
A 23-year-old sociology student at the University of Gdansk has been nominated for the prestigious Grand Press Photo competition in the portrait category. Her photo depicting Ms Agnieszka, who was doused with sulphuric acid by an unknown perpetrator in the summer of 2019, is in contention for the prize. - 'When I was going to take the photo…
people of UG
- 'The rates of burnout in sport were already alarming before the lockdown and could affect up to 15 per cent of athletes,' says dr Anna Ussorowska. Photo: Arek Smykowski/UG. She recently defended her doctoral thesis on burnout in competitive sport in young basketball players. For years she trained basketball…
people of UG
The prestigious Kosciuszko Foundation Fellowship was awarded to mgr Iwona Flis from the PhD School in the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Gdańsk, preparing, under the supervision of dr hab. Anna Mazurkiewicz, prof. UG from the Faculty of History at the University of Gdańsk, a dissertation on the Polish Scientific Institute in America. The Kosciuszko Foundation Poland has been operating since 2010. It…
people of UG
Interview with dr Aleksandra Wierucka - the winner of the K.C. Mrongowiusz Teacher of the Year Award. - 'I try to be closer to students, don't put up barriers, communicate openly and avoid poses. I do not have a monopoly on knowledge, so I am always willing to listen to students' opinions. I also make mistakes, but I admit to them. If I don't know the answer, I say I don't know, but I'll find out. Nowadays, nobody knows…
people of UG
Dr Karolina Pierzynowska. Photo: Arek Smykowski/UG She is less than 30 years old, a scientist and academic teacher at the Department of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk, with great passion and ambitions. In her private life, she is a mother and a wife who, apart from her scientific and family life, can find time to pursue her…
people of UG
Prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Węgrzyn Prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Węgrzyn, PhD, Head of the Department of Molecular Biology at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Gdańsk, has been interested in biology already in primary school. Taking up education in a class with a biological profile and then studies at the Faculty of Biology of UG was a natural continuation…
people of UG
Dr Tamara Walczak-Kozłowska. Photo: Arek Smykowski/UG Dr Tamara Walczak-Kozłowska from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Gdańsk won first place in the competition organised by the Students' Parliament of the Republic of Poland and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the best thesis. In her dissertation, she analysed the…