
The Gdańsk Scientific Society and the Gdańsk Society of Friends of Art invite the academic community of the University of Gdańsk to a meeting which will conclude the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of GTN, this Friday 18.11.2022 at 15.00 in the Library of the University of Gdańsk. The event will be accompanied by the promotion of two jubilee publications.  November 18, 2022, was not chosen at random, as exactly…
Joint projects ranging from research to cultural projects, summer and winter schools for foreign students, the promotion of Solidarity-related issues as subjects for bachelor's and master's theses - these are just a few of the many initiatives that the University of Gdańsk and the European Solidarity Centre have committed to under the agreement. The cooperation agreement was signed on November 15, 2022, in the library…
More than 500 entries on Kashubia, including symbols, myths, memory, beliefs and stereotypes, can be found in the Kashubopedia, an online encyclopaedia created and developed thanks to the work of many people, including researchers from the University of Gdańsk. The publishers of the publication are the Kashubian Institute and the Joseph Conrad-…
The UG Careers Office invites STUDENTS OF ALL MAJORS to participate in the Mini Job Fair - Career Day The fair will take place on November 16, 2022 (Wednesday) from 09:00 to 15:00 at the Faculty of Social Sciences UG   The Day with Careers is an excellent opportunity to: - talk to employers, - find out about interesting job offers, internships, - benefit from expert advice, - CV consultations. The fair is an opportunity…
At the request of the Rector, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski, the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland established the University Internationalisation Commission, which will be based at our university. The first Chair of the UKU for the period 2023-24 was appointed Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, dr hab. Anna Jurkowska-Zeilder, prof. UG. - 'This is one of the proofs that the University of…
The Erasmus and Erasmus Plus programme has been running for 35 years! The anniversary was celebrated as part of the 5th Education Congress. The discussion panels and lectures organised as part of the congress focused on internationalisation in education in its broadest sense, mainly through the prism of values that unite Europe. Above all, however, the event was an opportunity to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the…
The European University of the Seas (SEA-EU), within the ReSEArch-EU project, invites you to the next webinar for young researchers as part of the Spin-Off Competence Lab - a virtual training program aimed at enhancing the skills of SEA-EU researchers to develop entrepreneurial initiatives based on their fields and research projects.   On 9.11.2022 at 11:00 a.m. we invite you to the webinar entitled: ‘Grant funding and…
The SEA-EU European University of the Seas (SEA-EU), as part of the ReSEArch-EU project, invites you to the next webinars for young researchers as part of the Spin-Off Competence Lab - a virtual training programme aimed at enhancing the skills of SEA-EU researchers to develop entrepreneurial initiatives based on their fields and research projects. On 9.11.2022 at 11:00 am, please join us for a webinar entitled. 'Grant…
The impact of innovations that arise from the dialogue between science and business on specific areas of life was the leading theme at a conference to mark the 15th anniversary of the National Centre for Research and Development. The Rector of the University of Gdańsk, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski was invited to participate in the international plenary panel. During the anniversary conference, which took place on…
Smart city - that is, a city that uses modern technology to improve the quality of life and public services. How far are we from modern trend-setting metropolises in this area? This was discussed by experts at the Economic Convention at the Association of Fahrenheit Universities in Gdańsk. The Economic Convention, which took place on Friday, October 28, in the Hydromechanics building at Gdańsk University of Technology…