
In the evening, on June 4th scientific vessel Oceanograf left Kiel port. During the next part of the cruise the crew will mostly conduct research connected to work package three - comparative studies of microplastics in European coastal waters. In the next few days the ship will enter the North SEA and then the English Channel, but first it needs to pass Kiel Channel.    New chapter of the cruise also means a change of…
On the second of June, the Oceanograf received many distinguished guests. First, a press conference was held on board, where representatives of Kiel University and Professor Fidel Echevarria, the coordinator of the alliance, talked about the cruise and SEA-EU itself. The members of the SEA-EU Governing Board were then given a tour of the vessel by dr Aleksandra Brodecka-Goluch, the cruise's scientific director, and…
At 7.30 am on the first of June, the R/V Oceanograf entered the port of Kiel. This marks the end of the first leg of the SEA-EU research cruise. In the coming days, the scientists will attend a press conference for the German press and perform some of the last surveys in the Baltic Sea. Photo by Rubén Rios Quintero…
The English Channel, the Bay of Biscay and the Kaletan Strait are just some of the bodies of water that the UG ship R/V Oceanograf will visit in the upcoming days. The progress of our researchers can be followed on the expedition's website. This is a new feature that uses a widget created by, a portal that tracks the maritime activity of marine vehicles around the world. Thanks to the global AIS system…
On the route from Gdynia to Kiel, we hosted scientists from Spain and Germany on board. Despite difficult weather conditions, we managed to carry out hydroacoustic, chemical and biological research. The collected water samples will be used to estimate greenhouse gas emissions from the marine environment into the atmosphere. Using various types of nets, we obtained research material for assessing microplastic pollution…
Gdańsk - Kiel - Brest - Cadiz is the route of the research cruise organized by SEA-EU. University of Gdańsk ship -  R / V Oceanograf - left the port on May 26 at 1.00 p.m. The trip will last 23 days, during which around 100 scientists from SEA-EU, an alliance of six European coastal universities, will conduct five one-day research cruises and three complex projects. The ship…
Six research rooms, low manning requirements and advanced equipment – these are the aspects of the 'Oceanograf', a vessel of the University of Gdańsk that make it the most advanced vessel of its type on our continent. In late 2017, the R/V Oceanograf sailed on a research cruise for the first time and has been actively involved in Baltic Sea research ever since. Its services are used by both companies and universities…
The ‘European University of the Seas’ (SEA-EU) alliance was officially launched in October 2019, as part of the flagship ‘European University’ Initiative of the European Commission, to renew the vision of universities’ role as key leaders and shapers of Europe’s future. As the alliance of six European and coastal universities from Cadiz, Brest, Kiel, Gdańsk, Split and Malta, we share an integrated, long-term strategy…
The University of Gdańsk invites researchers to participate in the Competition „Research Potential Database” SEA-EU which aim is to encourage the establishment or strengthening of research and teaching cooperation between SEA-EU partner universities using the information available in the Research Potential Database available at  The competition is open to academic teachers employed at the University…
We invite all entrepreneurial students to participate in an international initiative supporting student startups. Selected teams will have the opportunity to present their projects to representatives of the business world, and the best of them will compete for the title of „Best University Startup 2022” and the right to present at the prestigious Wolves Summit 2022.   How to apply? Interested teams should apply for the…