The morning of the tenth of June saw the end of the second leg of the SEA-EU cruise. R/v Oceanograf arrived in the port of Brest, where it will stay until the twelfth of June. A press briefing was held on board the ship, attended by dr Aleksandra Brodecka Goluch, scientific director of the cruise, Matthieu Waeles from the University of Brest and Jerome Goslin, a member of the r/v Oceanograf research crew. After a meeting with journalists and a tour of the research vessel, the scientists from the University of Gdańsk visited the Maritime Institute in Brest, where they were welcomed by the head of the unit, dr Fred Jean.
Matthieu Wales i dr Aleksandra Brodecka-Goluch
- 'Thanks to favourable weather conditions during the first and second stages of the voyage, we managed to complete about 90% of the planned research. When we return to land, each university will be responsible for a different part of the research material,' - explained dr Aleksandra Brodecka-Goluch during the meeting with journalists.
Representatives of local newspapers also talked to Jerome Goslin about his experiences after a few days on board the ship and to Matthieu Waeles about the SEA-EU alliance. After the press briefing, members of the research team - dr hab. Adam Sokołowski, prof. UG, dr Aleksandra Brodecka-Goluch and dr Jakub Idczak - gave students and researchers from UBO a tour of the r/v Oceanograf.
As part of the visit, the UG researchers were invited to the University of Brest's Institute of Marine Affairs (IUEM), where they were welcomed by the head of the unit, dr Fred Jean. The scientists talked together about future cooperation and the progress of the alliance so far. The Polish scientists were shown around the building by one of the university's employees, Matthieu Waeles. The guests saw the laboratories, equipment and heard about the entire organisation of the university. In the end, the IUEM researcher invited the Poles to a picturesque lighthouse - The Petit Minou Lighthouse.
In the framework of the cooperation between the University of Gdańsk and the University of Brest (UBO), further scientific activities are already planned. - 'In samples of atmospheric aerosols and sea surface microlayer collected during the cruise, heavy metals will be identified in addition to the previously planned analyses. As part of SEA-EU, we were able to obtain funding for this from the University of Brest. Martyna Malinowska, one of the IO UG students, will carry out the analyses using high-class equipment. In turn, at the turn of January and February next year, we are planning to organise a visit of Matthieu Waeles from UBO to our university, which will be combined with a plenary lecture given by him,' - says dr hab. Anita Lewandowska, prof. UG.

The Petit Minou Lighthouse.