
Transport from a historical perspective will be the topic of the meeting, to which you are invited by the Academic PhD Club of History of the University of Gdańsk. The National Student-Doctoral Research Conference will take place on March 19, 2021, online. Three years ago, when the first conference was organised, it was thought that it would not be a topic for a large…
Ewa Karolina Cichocka talks to prof. dr hab. Beata Możejko from the Faculty of History, co-organiser of the next academic conference entitled 'Celebrities of the past eras. Scandals, secrets, romances and other excesses.' - It is hard to believe how eventful the lives of former celebrities were. Infidelities, illegitimate offspring, high-profile divorces and scandals were…
What do we not know about the greats of this world? What did Ramses II, Nero, Bona Sforza, Sigismund II Augustus, Isabella d'Este, Napoleon Bonaparte, Teofila Radziwiłł and others hide? This is what we will find out during a two-day conference entitled Celebrities of past eras and their scandals, secrets, love affairs and other excesses, which will be held on March 11-12,…
Creating a platform for the exchange of experiences and good practices, as well as making an attempt to examine current trends and directions of development of open science in Poland - this is the main objective of the 4th Pomeranian Conference Open Science - sharing research data, which will be held on April 14-16, 2021. The subject of Open Science is becoming more and more…
The workshop, entitled 'Digital Tools in Education for the Modern Teacher', will help in modern teaching, with creativity, and with the use of digital tools. The Marshall's Office, the U.S. Embassy and American Corners invite teaching staff to participate in a webinar on February 15 at 6 p.m. to enrich teachers' skills in working with young people online. Skype in the…
On January 10, 2021, the second edition of training courses conducted within the international SEAPLANSPACE project on "Maritime spatial planning instruments for sustainable management of the sea", organised for people interested in maritime spatial planning issues, ended. The SEAPLANSPACE project is co-financed by the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020. The two…
Starting tomorrow, the International Climate Adaptation Summit (CAS 2021) will run for two days ( January 25-26, 2021) in the Netherlands. Representatives from governments, civil society organisations, science and business will participate. Accompanying events will include climate-related film screenings and an online discussion, also with the participation of UG researchers. Our country's representatives at the CAS…
Fot./ We encourage you to listen to an open online lecture during which dr Wojciech Glac from the Neurobiology Laboratory of the Faculty of Biology at the University of Gdańsk will talk about the brain and psychopathic personality. The following answers to questions by dr Wojciech Glaca, neurobiologist, popularizer of science and…
The Department of Economic Informatics of the University of Gdansk invites you to The XIII PLAIS EuroSymposium on Digital Transformation, which is organized by the University of Gdansk and the Polish Branch of the Information Systems Association (PLAIS), whose president is Prof. Stanislaw Wrycza from the University of Gdansk. XIII EuroSymposium, which will be held online on…
On the occasion of the 10th edition of the 'Night of Biologists', which will be held online this year, employees, PhD students and students of the Faculty of Biology at the University of Gdańsk, the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and GUMed and Gdynia's Aquarium have prepared many fascinating events in the field of biology. The theme of this…