
Four researchers from the University of Gdańsk have been awarded the PAS Branch Award for Young Scientists for the best creative work published in 2022. The distinction in the humanities and social sciences for the publication Performance of Absence in Theatre, Performance and Visual Art. Routledge was awarded to dr Sylwia Dobkowska from the Institute of English and American Studies of the Faculty of Philology. (Theatre…
Mgr Adriana Łada-Maśko from WNS received yesterday from the hands of Monika Chabior, Vice-President of Gdańsk, the prestigious Jan Uphagen Award for Young Scientists of the City of Gdańsk in the humanities and social sciences category for outstanding scientific research achievements in the field of clinical psychology of the child in the family system. In turn, dr Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska (also from the WNS UG) was…
For the 31st time, the Foundation for Polish Science has awarded scholarships in the START programme to the most talented young scientists from all over Poland. They will be awarded to 100 outstanding young scientists, including four scientists from the University of Gdańsk. The START programme of the Foundation for Polish Science is the oldest…
The 8th European Congress of Virology (ECV) is the largest virology congress in Europe, attended by European scientists working in various fields of virology. The congress is held every 3 years; the previous one in 2019 was held in Rotterdam and 2016 in Hamburg. This year, the congress was held in Poland for the first time. This is, of course, a great honour for Gdańsk.  The European Society of Virology had entrusted…
We are approaching a spring weekend rich in historical anniversaries. Because of the pandemic, it is devoid of joint patriotic demonstrations. It is more a time for reflection on history. The patriotic and festive weekend begins with International Workers' Solidarity Day, known as Labour Day, celebrated in Poland and around the world on May 1 for 130 years, as a symbolic commemoration of the workers' protests in Chicago…
The research paper entitled. 'Lanthanide ions (Eu3+, Er3+, Pr3+) as luminescence and charge carrier centers in Sr2TiO4', published by a research team from the Institute of Experimental Physics at the University of Gdańsk in collaboration with the Institute of Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology, was featured…
Flaming foam, fake blood, cute pharaoh snakes, dry ice... Sounds like SFX? Well, no! These are examples from the 'Book of Experiments by the Scientific Club of Chemists UG'. Tomasz Swebocki, Agnieszka Manikowska, Elżbieta Adamska and Daria Łada write about how creative chemistry can be and how to encourage pupils and students to do it, as well as how to carry out chemical experiments safely yourself…
Science Speed Dating FarU is the first such event organised by the academic community in Poland. The meetings aim to intensify inter-university and interdisciplinary research topics from three Universities - the University of Gdańsk, the Technical University of Gdańsk and the Medical University of Gdańsk. The event will take the form of…
One time it's White Christmas, and the next, it's White Easter. Our climate changes yearly, and we wouldn't know what lies ahead if it weren't for them. Meteorologists track changes in weather behaviour over months, years and even decades or centuries. On March 23, World Meteorology Day, we celebrate a long tradition of meteorological research worldwide.  Today at the University of Gdańsk, it is certainly worth noting…
Brain Days in the Tri-City is a popular science event aimed at younger and older people seeking knowledge about the brain and its workings. The event included 24 lectures, 51 laboratory and auditorium workshops, 31 booth workshops and games. Thousands of people passed through the Faculty of Biology at the University of Gdańsk today and can enjoy the…