
The Congress of Young Science is an international and multidisciplinary scientific conference that will take place at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Gdańsk from July 7 to 10, 2022. In dozens of panels, scientists will present the results of their research, discuss their theses, establish scientific contacts, and more. The topics to be presented at the conference will not be limited, with…
The project led by dr hab. Kazimierz Musiał, prof. UG "Young People Network for Balticness 2.0."(YoPeNET) has received a grant of EUR 65 000 from the Council of Baltic Sea States programme. The project aims to organise summer schools, during which secondary school pupils, students and doctoral students will develop podcasts and films on identity for their peers.  Two summer schools will be held as part of the project.…
- From the data of the World Tourism Organisation, which you presented in your speech at the InfoGlob 2022 conference on 'Mass tourism or virtual tourism? Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic', we see that before the pandemic, around 1.5 billion people moved annually. On the one hand, this seems like a lot, with some cities like Venice, Dubrovnik and Barcelona limiting, under the influence of residents, the access of…
Dr Aleksandra Maria Kocot from the Faculty of Biology of UG, dr Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska and dr Marcin Połom from the Faculty of Social Sciences, as well as dr Illia Serdiuk from the Institute of Experimental Physics of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of UG, have been awarded the Minister's scholarship for outstanding young scientists for significant achievements in scientific activity in 2022. The…
We would like to invite you to the panel 'Faces of young science'. The panel, which will take place on July 7, 2022 in Room S208 in the Faculty of Social Sciences, will explore the career paths of young, outstanding scientists who have significant achievements despite their age. Guest speakers will talk about what they faced when starting their careers, what scientific challenges and institutional obstacles they…
Autorzy słownika. Thanks to the work and commitment of six students of Genetics and Experimental Biology from the Faculty of Biology at the University of Gdańsk, under the supervision of mgr Barbara Kubica-Daniel from the Centre for Foreign Languages at the University of Gdańsk, an online Polish-English dictionary was published in the field of broadly…
- 'The amount of water that circulates in nature is constant. On the other hand, the quality of water and the disposable resources are significantly decreasing. We need to be aware of this, and we don't understand it,' - says prof. dr hab. inż. Julita Dunalska, head of the Limnological Station UG in a conversation with dr Elżbieta Czapka. The 'University Conversations on Sustainable Development' series is carried out by…
Photo by Krzysztof Witecki Prof. dr hab. Adriana Zaleska-Medynska, head of the Department of Environmental Technology and the Photocatalysis Team at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdańsk, director of the Fahrenheit Universities, received the 'Primum Cooperatio' statuette during this year's gala of the 'Pomeranian Employer of the Year' competition…
Dr Marta Pobłocka. Dr Marta Anna Pobłocka from the International Centre for Research on Cancer Vaccines and dr Thomas George Zlosnik from the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science have won research grants within the POLONEZ BIS 1 competition organised by the National Science Centre. They obtained a total of over PLN 2 million. Dr Marta…
The National Science Centre has announced OPUS 22 and SONATA 17 competitions for research grants. Numerous scientists from the University of Gdańsk are on the shortlist. In total, UG departments will receive over PLN 15 million. Finally, 589 out of 3005 submitted applications will receive funding in the total amount of nearly PLN 740 million. OPUS 22 is a competition that does not take into account the advancement of…