
Last Saturday, May 28th, the Polish Baltic Philharmonic played the premiere of Anna Rocławska-Musiałczyk's composition inspired by the sea, 'There and Here performed by two excellent choirs: the Academic Choir of the University of Gdańsk and the Tadeusz Tylewski Choir of the Medical University of Gdańsk. The final of the celebrations of the 75th anniversary of the Choir of the Medical University of Gdańsk named after…
This Thursday, May 26, we would like to invite you to a ceremony of naming a theatre hall in the Neophilology Building of the University of Gdańsk after prof. Jerzy Limon - an outstanding English scholar, theatrologist and extraordinary lecturer who with great commitment spread knowledge about Shakespeare's works and initiated the construction and first director of the Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre. The event will be…
We know the winners of the Chinese Song Competition, the final of which took place at the UG Confucius Institute. Primary school pupils presented their vocal skills. The participants competed in two categories - choir and individual performance. The winner of the first one was class IV c from the School and Kindergarten Complex No. 1 in Gdańsk, and the second one was Julia Zygowska. The Chinese Song Contest was mainly…
80 prints and illustrations by Daniel Chodowiecki from the collection of the National Museum in Gdańsk and over 30 works from Jerzy Limon's private collection will be on display from 25.05.2022 in the Main Library of the University of Gdańsk. The day before, on the anniversary of prof. Jerzy Limon's birthday, the opening of the exhibition will take place. The bilingual (Polish and English) exhibition will consist of 80…
The University of Gdańsk, the Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre and the Theatrum Gedanense Foundation would like to invite you to a series of events held on May 24-29, 2022 under the common title: JERZY LIMON: INSPIRATION - DIALOGUE - POLEMICS. The programme includes: an international academic conference, exhibitions, a concert, film screenings, a performance and the naming of a theatre hall at the University of Gdańsk after…
The University of Gdańsk Library joined in the celebration of the 19th National Library Week. Several interesting events were prepared: Hare and hounds at the Library *. The game aims to get to know the Main Library, its interior, book collection and the work of some of its branches. Scanning without secrets*.  Classes held in the digitisation workshop aim to familiarise children with the process of digitising…
This year, for the first time, the University of Gdańsk Museum will join the group of institutions participating in the European Night of Museums! The event's programme will focus on the theme of plants, their role in art, medicine and contemporary life. We invite you to a night full of plants, flowers and stories related to them. We have planned, among other things, a plant exchange, art workshops for children and…
The Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre invites UG employees to the performances: 'The Tempest' and 'Alice on the Other Side of the Mirror' as well as for activities with children 'Family Fun with Shakespeare in English'. Ticket prices and details can be found in the employee announcements.
Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Rosiek has been awarded the Poznań Literature Prize - Adam Mickiewicz Prize 2022. As part of his academic work, prof. Stanisław Rosiek dealt with the posthumous cult of Adam Mickiewicz in the 1990s. In 1997, he published a book entitled Zwłoki Mickiewicza. Próba nekrografii poety', a continuation of this research became the book 'Mickiewicz (after death)', published in 2013. In his Mickiewicz…
April 23rd is World Book and Copyright Day. The University of Gdańsk Publishing House publishes around two hundred scientific and popular science titles every year. In May, a new university bookshop-café will be officially opened, where the academic community will be able to get acquainted with new titles over a cup of hot coffee or tea. We are talking with mgr Joanna Kamień, Director and Editor-in-Chief of the…