Weekend reading: prof. Grzegorz Węgrzyn in Prestiż Trójmiasto on research and treatment of Alzheimer's disease
A wallet in the fridge, an empty pot left on the gas, and eventually problems recognising the faces of loved ones. Alzheimer's disease is an insidious thief of the human personality. The statistics are inexorable. It is predicted that in 2050 already more than a million Poles will suffer from the disease - three times more than today. However, there is hope. Scientists from the University of Gdansk have discovered a compound that may make Alzheimer's go down in medical history. We talk about the mysterious genistein with prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Węgrzyn, a renowned molecular biologist from the Faculty of Biology at the University of Gdańsk.
The interview by Klaudia Krause-Bacia from Prestiż Trójmiasto read: http://prestiztrojmiasto.pl/magazyn/124/zdrowie-i-uroda/genisteina
Photo by Karol Kacperski. Source: http://prestiztrojmiasto.pl/

Fot. Karol Kacperski. Źródło: http://prestiztrojmiasto.pl/