Kashubia. Wdzydze. Vernissage. Borderlands

A photographic exhibition entitled 'Pomiędzy swojskością a obcością'. Picturing the Mood of Kashubia will be on display at the T. and I. Gulgowski Museum of Kashubian Landscape Park in Wdzydze. After Mainz, Gdańsk and Wejherowo, the exhibition will open in the place where the students conducted their research and drew inspiration for their Kashubian peregrinations. The opening is scheduled for July 2, at 2 p.m.

The photo exhibition presents the results of a German-Polish project of the type "teaching through research" carried out by the cultural anthropology/folklore studies department of the City of Mainz and the German philology department of Gdańsk (Research Workshop on Borderland Memory Narratives). - 'Master's students in cultural anthropology from Johannes Gutenberg Universität in the summer semester 2018 and the winter semester 2018/19 explored Kashubia as a space of the Polish-German cultural borderland,' explains dr hab. Miłosława Borzyszkowska-Szewczyk, prof. UG. - 'Together with students of German studies and Kashubian ethno-philology from the University of Gdańsk, they used all their senses to perceive the region in its cultural specificity during a study tour and field research in May 2018,' she adds.

As the Professor points out, together with dr Oliwia Murawska (then JGU, now Universität Innsbruck) she had the opportunity to lead this project in 2017-19 with a group of committed students from JGU and UG (German studies and Kashubian ethnophilology).

The opening of the exhibition is scheduled for Friday, July 2, at 2 pm.

Curators: dr hab. Miłosława Borzyszkowska-Szewczyk, prof. UG (Gdańsk), dr Oliwia Murawska (Mainz).

Student curators: Robert Balas, Fiona Bauer, Jennifer Berger, Patricia Buchner, Roxana Fiebig, Aaron Hock, Laura Karnasch, Julia Kleine-Bley, Martin Koch, Fabian Kölsch, Carina Kühn, Anna Merkelbach, Vanessa Rockstein, Marie Scheffler, Jasmin Weiß, Murielle Winckler, Saskia Wöhler (Mainz).

The exhibition is accompanied by a Polish-German catalogue, which also contains essays by project participants.

More at: http://www.narracjepogranicza.eu/

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Ewa K.Cichocka / Press Office UG