Press release regarding remote classes, consultations and research

Due to the suspension of classes conducted at the University of Gdańsk, remote consultations and on-line classes procedures have been established.

From Monday, 16 March 2020, obligation of academic staff to run  on-line classes for students will be introduced. The consultations should take place at previously set times. The academic teachers are obligated to be available online during the duration of pre-planned classes.

During the hiatus, academic teachers can run electronic classes with the use of UG education portal, using the MS Team service (login manual available at the Employee Portal), or with any other form of remote teaching allowed at specific faculties. As recommended by the faculties, classes reporting and students attendance verification is mandatory (faculties should prepare lists of ongoing on-line classes, together with the continuously updated attendance lists). Academic teachers should contact their students, with regard to the on-line classes, through the Student Portal. Students are obligated to check Student Portal daily for any new information.

In urgent cases, students can directly contact deans and other university units, however staff will be limited to the necessary minimum. Stand-by duty will be implemented for administrative staff at specific university units to deal with critical matters. Contact through e-mail and phone is strongly advised.

Deans and heads of university units are obligated to temporary withhold laboratory work, whereas managers and coordinators  to organize remote work (if possible). Heads of research units and project managers are obligated to organize work in accordance with the public health office guidelines, if possible in a remote manner.

Every student, academic and research staff member received series of e-mails regarding consultations and online classes. Reminders and requests were also sent to not leave their place of residence (unless in urgent cases) and to avoid places with large groups of people.  We constantly remind our students and employees of the requirement to abide by the Chief Sanitary Inspector’s guidelines.

All information and orders on the operation of the university during the classes suspension period and the coronavirus threads are available on the dedicated university website:

dr Beata Czechowska-Derkacz, the University of Gdańsk Spokesperson

Gdańsk, March 13, 2020

dr Beata Czechowska-Derkacz, UG Spokesperson