Pictured from the left: dr Michał Szypniewski, dr Marek Benio and dr Monika Tomaszewska, prof. UG. Photo by Alan Stocki/UG.
Bringing together the worlds of employers, academics, employees, and civil servants is the mission of the European Labour Mobility Institute (ELMI) association, which is starting to cooperate with the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk. The Legal Delegation Workshop is being set up here. - 'This is an excellent example of knowledge transfer and cooperation between science and the business environment,' - emphasises dr hab. Monika Tomaszewska, prof. UG, Head of the Department of Labour Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk.
The European Institute for Labour Mobility creates a knowledge forum on posting workers with the freedom to provide services, promoting the mobility of labour and services in the internal market of the European Union and taking care of good law and its proper interpretation.
As part of the cooperation with UG, a Legal Posting Workshop will be established at the WPiA. - 'This is a form of knowledge transfer between professionals who deal with labour mobility and mobility of services in the European Union,' - says dr hab. Monika Tomaszewska, prof. UG. - 'The idea of this modern advisory committee came from the European Labour Mobility Institute (ELMI), which brings together representatives of businesses, trade unions, civil servants and researchers with expertise and practical experience in applying the provisions on the posting of workers under the freedom to provide services in the EU. The idea was to create a venue where all parties involved would have the chance to meet on neutral ground. The university provides this opportunity and is a great place to exchange views.'
- 'The Legal Posting Workshop is a forum for exchanging experiences between practitioners. Our role is to moderate discussions and gather knowledge for future workshop participants or other entities dealing with employee posting,' - says dr Marek Benio, Vice President of the Management Board of the European Institute for Work Mobility. - 'The undertaking is not only addressed to business representatives or managers who deal with HR and payroll accounting in companies that post employees but also to officials, e.g., Social Insurance Institution or the Labour Inspectorate, that deal with this topic in their everyday work.'
As prof. UG Monika Tomaszewska points out that Pomerania is not only home to many companies providing services throughout the European Union but is also a significant opinion-forming academic centre open to cooperation with business, the public sector and non-governmental organisations. - 'Not surprisingly, the long-standing contacts between the ELMI and the WPiA UG (Department of Labour Law) have led to the establishment of a joint Legal Posting Workshop within the walls of the UG. We are up and running, and the workshops we organise will be regular,' - adds the UG expert.

The first meeting occurred on January 20, at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk in auditorium C, from 11:00 to 14:00.
The Posting Lab workshop, entitled 'Terms and conditions of employment for posted workers - how to set them and how to enforce them?' was led (in hybrid form) by dr Marek Benio, a lawyer, PhD in economics, science populariser, law commentator, lobbyist and social activist. The special guest was dr Michał Szypniewski, assistant professor in the Department of Labour Law at the University of Gdańsk.
More about the meeting: https://labourinstitute.eu/warunki-zatrudnienia-pracownikow-delegowanych-jak-je-ustalac-i-jak-egzekwowac-zapraszamy-na-posting-lab/
The initiative is under the patronage of the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration, dr hab. Wojciech Zalewski, prof. UG.