'Island's Amber Treasure' statuette awarded to the late dr Katarzyna Żółkoś


In recognition of her work for the development of Sobieszewska Island, dr Katarzyna Żółkoś was posthumously awarded the 'Island's Amber Treasure' ('Bursztynowy Skarb Wyspy') statuette.  The award was handed to dr Dorota Myślińska, Vice-Dean for Student Affairs and Development of the Faculty of Biology, by Piotr Kryszewski, Deputy Mayor for Community Services.

On July 5, 2021, dr Katarzyna Żółkoś, a biologist and forester, who had been associated with Sobieszewo Island since 2013, when she took over the management of the Biological Station in Górki Wschodnie, passed away. At the facility, she has pursued her mission of an Open University - open to people, in the literal sense, but also open to human needs.

'No one who met Katarzyna could pass her by indifferently, because she was a person of "character": strong, with great passion, but also extremely stubborn in pursuing the goals she had set for herself. It was thanks to her that a group of passionate people appeared around the Biological Station, who enthusiastically entered into cooperation with the local community, co-organising numerous educational and cultural events, such as the Island of Naturalists Picnic,' says dr Dorota Myślińska, Vice-Dean for Student Affairs and Development at the Faculty of Biology, UG.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the creation of the "Wyspa Sobieszewska" district, dr Katarzyna Żółkoś was posthumously awarded the 'Island's Amber Treasure' statuette on Saturday, June 24, 2023, in recognition of her activities for the development of the island.

Read also: Roślinni drapieżcy – ostatni wywiad z dr Katarzyną Żółkoś

See event coverage at: gdansk.pl

Oprac. EMW/Zespół Prasowy UG