Mobile student ID available at the University of Gdańsk

Students of the University of Gdańsk may now already use a mobile student ID,  electronic version of the student document, having the same legal status as its conventional equivalent – ELS plastic card ID.

Mobile student ID works the same way the traditional document does. Displaying a mobile student ID on a mobile device screen confirms status of a student and their eligibility for any applicable discounts and fees exemptions.

- Currently, such solutions have become a norm. We have been using such solution more often now, which thanks to smartphones allows for easy everyday movement within space, not only the virtual one. The pandemic has sped up the implementation of certain solutions. Mobile student ID has already existed in the project phase, however the implementation of the undertaking – important on the national scale – has been forced by the needs of this difficult time – says dr hab. Arnold Kłonczyński, prof. UG, Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality.

Mobile student ID is a rightful substitute of the plastic ELS card. It does not discharge obligation of students to own the traditional document. Mobile student ID serves supplementary role. It allows its users to confirm student status when the person has no ELS card with them. Important information for UG students: parking barriers will not respond to a Mobile student ID, raising the barriers requires using the traditional ID.

To be in possession of a Mobile student ID on your phone, it is necessary to install the mObywatel app (mobile citizen) and submit the application form. Please remember that after submitting the application form and generating the QR code, a student has 30 days to install the ID in the mObywatel app. After this deadline a student would have to re-submit the application form.

Most important facts about the Mobile student ID:

  1. Persons which are eligible to apply for the Mobile student ID:
  • Have active student status
  • Have valid Electronic Student ID (ELS plastic card)
  • Have Polish identification number (PESEL)
  • Have attached photograph to the Student Portal
  • And additionally their personal data has not changed since issuing of their ELS
  1. Submitting the Mobile student ID application form is possible when the student has collected their ELS from a Dean’s Office (ELS status shows ‘collected’ on the Student Portal).
  2. Mobile Student ID can be activated via the QR code downloaded from the Student Portal. Activation of Mobile student ID is possible when Student Portal shows ‘Download QR code’ in place were application form used to be submitted.
  3. Mobile student ID is valid as long as the ELS is valid. The ELS validity is confirmed every semester with data updates in the electronic system and hologram stamping in the designated empty boxes of ELS card.
  4. Mobile student ID has to be validated every semester. The Mobile student ID validation application will be automatically generated in the Student Portal provided the ELS has been validated beforehand.
  5. Mobile student ID is revoked:
  • In cases of ELS invalidation;
  • In case of a student transferring to a different university;
  • Upon student request, especially in cases of damage, malfunction or loss of a mobile device, where the ID was stored.

Please send all questions and doubts regarding the Mobile student ID to the following e-mail address:

The Mobile student ID applications at UG can be submitted at the Student Portal (under the ‘Electronic ID’ tab in the list of electronic ID application forms) since 2 December 2020. UG IT Center is responsible for forwarding the application forms to the Ministry of Digital Affairs who are responsible for generating Mobile student IDs. So far, over 800 application forms have been submitted.

Press Office of University of Gdańsk