Increasing the representation of women in technology: the HerTech Ventures project

The continuing gender imbalance in technology fields remains a challenge despite significant progress over the past ten years. This problem is particularly evident at various levels of academic careers and in technology-oriented entrepreneurship. The University of Gdańsk has joined the Perspektywy Foundation's efforts to activate women in this area.

Although women comprise more than 40% of European academic staff, their share of A-level staff positions (the equivalent of a full professorship) is only 26.2%. A similarly low representation of women is observed in science, engineering, and information technology, where they make up less than a quarter of the population.

The last aspect is particularly important as technology-related sectors are proliferating in the European Union. In the context of the digital transformation of the EU economy, it is crucial that women make up a more significant share of this growing workforce.

While there are some promising signs of progress, a significant discrepancy in women's employment in these fields persists. This suggests that existing policies and actions at the EU and national level have not been effective enough.

‘In response to these challenges, the HerTech Ventures project was established. Its main aim is to support female university students to become successful female entrepreneurs in the field of information technology,’ says Vice-Rector for International Cooperation dr hab. Anna Jurkowska-Zeidler, prof. UG.


The programme offers a range of opportunities, including:

  1. Entrepreneurship training: HerTech Ventures provides students with the necessary tools and skills to develop business ideas.
  2. Mentoring: the project provides access to experienced mentors who support young women on their path to success.
  3. Seed funding: HerTech Ventures provides funding to develop and launch IT startups.
  4. Networking events: such initiatives allow for the building of valuable professional contacts.
  5. Peer support groups: these create a space where women can share experiences and get support from their peers.


HerTech Ventures focuses on supporting young women studying computer science, helping them to develop their entrepreneurial skills and preparing them for a career in technology. Through this project, we aim to increase the representation of women in technology and create equal opportunities for professional success.

Funding from the Erasmus+ programme

All this is possible thanks to a great deal of commitment and financial support. The HerTech Ventures project has received funding of €400,000.00 from the Erasmus+ programme, of which €26,170.00 in funding goes to the University of Gdańsk, recognising the potential of this project.

The project leader is the Educational Foundation Perspektywy (Poland), and the other Partners are:

Stimmuli For Social Change (Greece)

University of Gdańsk (Poland)

University of Macedonia (Greece)

Polytechnic of Guarda (Portugal)

INOVA+ (Portugal)

University of Salamanca USAL (Spain)

Politecnico di Torino (Italy)


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We encourage you to follow this exciting initiative, which will have a considerable impact on our future. The HerTechVenture project manager will be dr Hanna Furmańczyk from the Department of Combinatorial Optimisation, Institute of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics.

The results of these activities will contribute to creating a more sustainable and versatile future in technology, where women play a significant role.

'Women are playing an increasingly important role in the field of modern technology, although they are still a minority in many sectors of the industry,' emphasises the Vice-Chancellor for Informatics, Communication and Promotion, dr hab. inż Aneta Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek, prof. UG, who is overseeing the project. ‘Nevertheless, their commitment and contribution to the development of modern technologies is increasingly visible and appreciated. Together, we can overcome barriers and ensure that women become an integral part of a dynamic technology sector.’

HerTech Ventures is a step in this direction.

The University of Gdańsk cooperates with the Perspektywy Foundation in this area, including by participating in the Woman in Tech Summit event. The University of Gdańsk, as an academic partner of the event, had its exhibition stand in the main Expo zone, which was visited primarily by young people interested in studying at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics and those interested in the English language offer.

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Biuro Wsparcia Przygotowania Projektów – Inkubator Projektowy, edit.. MNG/ZP