2nd Forum of Rectors of Poland and Uzbekistan. A further step towards internationalisation


Three agreements on international cooperation with universities from Uzbekistan signed by the Rector of UG prof. Piotr Stepnowski are the result of his participation in the 2nd Forum of Rectors of Poland and Uzbekistan.

UG Rector prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski took part in the 2nd Forum of Rectors of Poland and Uzbekistan. The event was held on 11-12 July at the Warsaw School of Economics and the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. During the Forum, the Rector of UG signed agreements on international cooperation with the University of Tashkent for Applied Sciences, Westminster International University in Tashkent and Tahskent State University of Economics.

The event was attended by delegations from 13 universities from Uzbekistan and 18 Polish universities. The opening session was attended by the Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education, dr hab. Andrzej Szeptycki. The Minister stressed that the Ministry of Science and Higher Education is taking many measures to foster the development of internationalisation of Polish universities and encourage scientists to undertake research cooperation and mobility.

Cooperation between universities from Poland and Uzbekistan was initiated two years ago by the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland and the Perspektywy Educational Foundation. The aim of the Forum, which takes place annually, is to strengthen ties between universities from both countries and to establish contact and discuss the scope of cooperation with new partners, as well as to broaden the international perception of Polish universities.

The University of Gdańsk is dynamically developing cooperation with Uzbekistan, which has become a key partner in the Central Asian region, especially in the context of the country's young demography. The UG has a Central Asia Team working to expand its educational offerings, including summer schools. The University is strengthening its presence in the region through participation in education fairs and direct discussions with universities, which provides opportunities to further develop international academic initiatives. ‘We are also cooperating through the Erasmus Plus programme, enabling lecturers from both sides to take part in academic exchanges and teach classes, and administrative staff to receive international training and exchange best practice experiences,’ says Head of the International Cooperation Office, mgr Magdalena Sawicz.

‘The increase in the number of Uzbek students and the University of Gdańsk's active activities show that cooperation with Uzbekistan is a strategic step that benefits both parties. Thanks to joint projects, new opportunities for development and knowledge exchange are opening up for students and researchers, which in the long term will contribute to even stronger ties between Poland and Uzbekistan,’ says UG Rector prof. Piotr Stepnowski.

Last year's First Polish-Uzbekistan Rectors' Forum was held in Tashkent. Rectors of several Polish universities visited Uzbekistan, and the meeting resulted in the signing of several dozen agreements and memoranda of cooperation.

The next, Third Forum of Rectors of Poland and Uzbekistan will be held next April in Samarkand.

Julia Bereszczyńska/Press Team