In the photo: dr hab. Artur Szutta, prof. UG, editor-in-chief of Filozofuj! Photo: Arek Smykowski/UG
"Filozofuj!" is a magazine, but also an Internet portal, co-founded and edited by dr hab. Artur Szutta, prof. UG from the Institute of Philosophy, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Gdańsk. The idea to create it came from the desire to show that philosophy is extremely interesting and developing. Let us recall that the journal's editors recently received the most important award in the Populariser of Science 2020 competition in the Media category.
The history of the creation of the journal Filozofuj! dates back to the beginning of 2014, when dr hab. Artur Szutta, prof. UG, wrote a short text "O potrzebie filozofii". He concluded it with a reflection on the reason for the bad situation of philosophy, which he saw, among other things, in the lack of a journal popularising this discipline of science.
- 'Robert Kryński, the owner of Academicon publishing house, after editing the text asked if I would like to start such a magazine with him. It took us almost a whole year to prepare the first issue. There were only two of us, we had no experience, but we were learning. We wanted the magazine to be published bi-monthly, so we had to learn fast,' says dr hab. Artur Szutta, prof. UG.
Fot. Arek Smykowski/UG
Slowly, new people joined the team. At the moment, the editorial office, located in Lublin at the Academicon publishing house, together with close collaborators, numbers twelve people. It is also closely cooperated by philosophers from the University of Gdańsk, who edit individual issues or publish in the journal. Among the authors, the following should be mentioned: prof. Stanisław Judycki, prof. Wojciech Żeleniec, Prof. Anna Chęćka, prof. Natasza Szutta, prof. Rafał Urbaniak, dr Monika Bokiniec, dr Robert Rogoziecki, dr Iwona Krupecka, dr Paweł Pijas, dr Patrick Dziurosz-Serafinowicz, dr Marek Pepliński and dr. hab. Artur Szutta.
According to the editor-in-chief of Filozofuj!, it can be said that philosophers from Gdańsk are at the forefront of popularising philosophy in Poland. The author of one article was even a physicist from UG, prof. Paweł Horodecki.
The main aim of the editorial is to change the public's perception of philosophy.
- 'We want to dispel the myth that philosophy is a field of vague, boring and useless reflections. We want to show that philosophy is incredibly interesting and developing. Our goal is also to attract and inspire talented people to engage in the development of philosophy at a professional level,' explains prof. A. Szutta. - 'By promoting the ideals of intellectual openness and critical thinking, we also want to contribute to building a civil society, which is the basis for a well-functioning democracy.'
Nowadays, Filozofuj! is not only a magazine but also an Internet portal, as well as "Filozofuj!" clubs in various Polish cities, organising meetings with philosophers and discussions around the current issues of the magazine.
Artur Szutta, dr hab., prof UG, specialising in social philosophy, ethics and metaethics. Author of two books: Obywatelskie nieposłuszeństwo (Warsaw 2011), Intuicje moralne. O poznaniu dobra i zła (Lublin 2018); editor-in-chief of "Filozofuj!"; lover of football and learning foreign languages (including Chinese).