Supporting and developing the scientific activity of young scientists, the Gdańsk Scientific Society and the Mayor of the City of Gdańsk awarded annual prizes for outstanding scientific achievements. The awards are granted to people under 35 years of age. Among the winners, there are scientists from the University of Gdańsk. Every year the Gdańsk Scientific Society and the…
The Gdańsk Scientific Society, which continues the tradition of the Society of Friends of Science and Art founded in July 1922 is preparing for the centenary celebrations. On July 11, 2022, it will be 100 years since the Society of Friends of Science and Art (TPNiS) in Gdansk was founded and registered in the Court of the Second Free City of Gdańsk. The tradition of TPNiS is cultivated by the Gdansk Scientific Society (…
Volume LXXIX (79) of ‘Gdańsk Yearbook’ of the Gdańsk Scientific Society is dedicated to the University of Gdańsk in honor of its 50th Anniversary. The volume was edited by Professor Jerzy Piotr Gwizdała, Professor Jerzy Błażejowski and Professor Maria Mendel. It was published by University of Gdańsk Publishing. The editors emphasize that the 79th volume, in honor of the University of Gdańsk 50th Anniversary,…