Health protection for UG employees

Access to specialists in various fields, discounts on medical services, an on-campus outpatient clinic in Oliwa, a Sports Rehabilitation Centre in the Sports Centre, a Psychological Support Centre - all this within the framework of a long-term programme of health protection for employees of the University of Gdańsk, which is already being implemented.

As announced earlier, the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, prof. Piotr Stepnowski announced the opening of an outpatient clinic on the Oliwa campus, which will take over the tasks of the occupational medicine service for University of Gdańsk employees. This is one of the components of the long-term programme of health protection for UG employees. The creation of the Sports Rehabilitation Centre in the Sports Centre and the Psychological Support Centre launched in February 2021 are also part of the systemic solutions concerning health care introduced by the Rector's and Chancellor's authorities.

The newly established outpatient clinic will provide services including initial, periodic, check-up and final examinations, additional blood tests and medical examinations for Lyme disease carriers and immunizations, drivers' examinations, sanitary-epidemiological examinations, as well as psychological examinations of persons applying for or holding an entry on the list of qualified physical security personnel.

Medical services will be provided thanks to a signed agreement with HMS Assistance.

- 'Many years of experience have allowed us to build a dedicated team of employees who coordinate the process of making appointments for all medical services, guiding the patient step by step. Bearing in mind the comfort of the employees of the University of Gdańsk, the new outpatient clinic has been established in the building at 58 Wita Stwosza Street, known as "the thirteenth", where laboratory tests and medical consultations will take place in a well-organised and safe manner for the patient,' - says Małgorzata Książek - Bator, CEO of HMS Assistance.

HMS Assistance has been providing occupational medicine services and coordinating employee examinations since 2017.

- 'Many years of experience in this field have allowed us to facilitate and simplify the registration path. We coordinate the entire process taking care of the scheduling of the contact and the logistics of the required examinations and consultations. At each stage, the employer and the employee can seek our advice on research, risks and the path of action in the case of postponement. Ease of contact, professionalism, timeliness and a flexible approach are just some of our assets,' - assures Monika Grabowska, Chief Operating Officer of HMS Assistance.

Thanks to the signed agreement, employees of the University of Gdańsk will be able to use the medical offer in two locations: at the newly opened HMS Clinic Gdańsk at Wita Stwosza 58 ('the thirteenth') and HMS Clinic Gdynia at Pułaskiego 6.

If you need to take part in occupational medicine examinations in the nearest future, please read the answers to frequently asked questions.

In the building of " the thirteenth" there is also 'Invivo Medical Clinic Sp. z o.o. at the disposal of UG employees. Its medical activities include consultations with various medical specialists - e.g. an endocrinologist, urologist, haematologist, dietician, as well as ultrasound and endoscopic diagnostics, outpatient gynaecological procedures and consultations concerning reproductive health - including treatment of monthly cycle disorders and infertility using fertility diagnosis methods. The University of Gdańsk is in the process of agreeing on the principles of privileged use of selected services by employees of our University.

- 'An organisation like the University of Gdańsk must care for its employees as much as possible - this concerns not only the area of working conditions, professional support, career and further promotions, but also such a key issue as health. Due to pandemics, isolation, limited access to sports facilities - our health, both physical and mental, is often increasingly damaged. I sincerely hope that thanks to the agreement concluded with the medical entities located on our campus and the assistance offered by units such as the Psychological Support Centre, university employees will receive the best possible and professional care,' - stressed Rector prof. Piotr Stepnowski.

Photos: Arek Smykowski / UG
Magdalena Nieczuja–Goniszewska, Julia Bereszczyńska / Press Office of University of Gdańsk