If you are a student, PhD student or young scientist and would like to present your research results, discuss your theses or establish scientific contacts, take part in the 2nd Congress of Young Science, which will be held at the University of Gdańsk on July 7-10, 2022.
'Law in pursuit of reality', 'Agribusiness', 'Modern ways of popularising science', 'Diet of active people', 'Modern approaches to organic synthesis' and 'Faces of instrumentalism' - these are only selected panels, within which papers can be submitted. The topics of the conference presentations will not be limited, speeches from the sciences, experimental, humanities, social sciences and others are foreseen.
The list of all panels can be found at https://kongresmlodejnauki.pl/panele/.
The participation fee is 250 PLN. The conference fee includes participation in all points of the conference, meals (lunches, dinners, coffee breaks) and publication of the article in the post-conference publication.
Registration and fee information on the website: https://kongresmlodejnauki.pl/referat-plakat/