The Institute of Marine Biology (IIM-CSIC) in Spain, offers 6 Master thesis project grants (JAE Intro ICUs 2020) at their institution. The IIM-CSIC is one of the top marine research institutions in Spain and part of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the third research institution in Europe and seventh worldwide.
The JAE Intro ICUs 2020 call, aims to promote research in marine sciences by students already enrolled in a Master programme at SEA-EU. The scholarships will last for 6 months (January-June 2021), with a monthly payment of 800€, for students to develop their Master Thesis Project with us, in one of the six specific topics detailed in the call. These are:
- Study the land-sea exchange of rare earth elements (RREs).
- Explore the genetics of pigment patterns in fishes & the evolution of counter-shading mechanisms.
- Develop artificial intelligence (AI) techniques for the identification of rays & other fish populations.
- Develop molecular markers to study kinship relationships in coastal elasmobranchs.
- Assess the effect of seawater warming and turbulence on the ecophysiological responses of the clam Polititapes rhomboides.
- Study microbial interactions in macroalgae & contribute to disease control techniques in aquaculture.
Students interested must send their application in a single PDF document with a cover letter (max. 1 page) and a CV (max. 4 pages) including:
- a full description of your academic & work experience,
- elementary personal data (name, date & place of birth, citizenship, etc),
- language proficiency levels,
- and their GPA in the units used by the home institution, over all courses excluding the thesis grade for each diploma that they have earned or are currently studying towards. In addition, the GPA must be converted onto a 0 to 10.00 scale.
The document must be submitted to Prof. Fran Saborido-Rey at jaeintro@iim.csic.es
Candidates can apply from the 1st September until the 30th October 2020.
More information is detailed in the pdf file attached, at IIM-CSIC website and at euraxess.