Applications for more than PLN 97 million were submitted by scientists from the University of Gdańsk to the just-concluded 49th competition of the National Science Centre. This was 13 more than last year - 115 projects were submitted to the NCN. 64 applications were submitted to the OPUS 25 programme and 51 to the PRELUDIUM 22 programme.
The National Centre for Science competition is enjoying unflagging success despite the reduced allocation of funds - from PLN 430 million in 2022 to PLN 330 million in 2023. In 2022, researchers from the University of Gdańsk submitted 102 applications for a total amount of funding for the UG of PLN 67,378,916.00, of which 13 projects received funding.
The PRELUDIUM competition of the National Science Centre supports the development of young scientists, enabling them to gain experience in project management even before obtaining a doctoral degree. Researchers can receive a grant of PLN 70, 140 or 210 thousand here for research lasting 12, 24 or 36 months, respectively. The manager of a PRELUDIUM project cannot have a doctoral degree; moreover, they do not even have to be a doctoral student. The project financed by NCN may coincide with the topic of the planned doctoral dissertation, but this is not a necessary condition.
OPUS is a competition with a general formula. It is open to scientists at all stages of their careers, with no restrictions on degree, age or research experience. The only prerequisite that a project manager must meet at the outset is to have at least one published or accepted for publication paper or at least one artistic or artistic-scientific achievement (in the case of scientific activity in the field of creativity and art). Funding can be obtained for research projects of 12, 24, 36 or 48 months, including those involving the use of large international facilities by Polish teams or cooperation with partners from abroad.
More information: www.ncn.gov.pl