Journals of Psychology edited by the scientists from the Institute of Psychology of the University of Gdańsk turned out to be among the best magazines in Poland. Health Psychology Report (HPR) was given two IF points, proving that our journals are well-recognised in the international science community.
‘The place of our journals in the Web of Science classification is undoubtedly a great success. It shows the still-growing international recognisability of those journals. The strategy of development consequently executed by editing boards should be an example to others,’ – says prof. dr. hab. Wiesław Laskowski, the Vice-Rector of the University of Gdańsk for Research.
Journal Citation report covers various factors, including commonly recognised Impact Factor (IF), which allows for a quick assessment of the journal’s importance.
‘In 2023, experts granted Impact Factor for the previous year to both of the journals edited by the scientists from the Institute of Psychology of the University of Gdańsk: Health Psychology Report (HPR): IF 2022 = 2.0, Current Issues in Personality Psychology (CIPP): IF 2022 = 1.0. It is great honour and achievement,’ – says dr hab. Paweł Jurek, prof. UG, the Director of the Institute of Psychology UG.
Sincere congratulations were issued towards – among others - prof. Mariola Bidzan, prof. Małgorzata Lipowska, prof. Beata Pastwa-Wojciechowska, prof. Maria Kaźmierczak, and dr Justyna Michałek-Kwiecień – the leading editors of the journals. ‘Your engagement and efforts (lasting for over a decade) were met with international appreciation. Your work is enormous, especially considering the necessity of constant care for efficient and critical review process, collecting funds, promoting the journals among leading researchers, coordinating the works of the publishing house and many other activities,’ – adds dr hab. Paweł Jurek, prof. UG.
‘A decade of work was crowned with a tangible success: granting the Heath Psychology Report (HPR) and Current Issues in Personality Psychology (CIPP) journals the Impact Factor’ – says prof. Małgorzata Lipowska. ‘Following the hint from then-vice-rector Prof. Grzegorz Węgrzyn, we entrusted the editing process to the professional, scientific publisher, choosing Termedia. Thanks to this cooperation, HPR and CIPP meet the World’s substantive, editorial, and ethical standards’