The SEA-EU alliance's key bodies met in Split to discuss the consortium's activities to date. At the end of November, the Croatian university hosted Governing Week, a cyclical meeting where crucial decisions of the nine partner universities are taken.
The 4-day event brought together Student Council, Technical Working Group, Quality and Ethics Committee, Stakeholder Groups, Executive Committee, Student Council, City Council and Port Council. The most important meeting, the Governing Board deliberations, took place on November 30. It was attended not only by the rectors and pro-rectors of the partner universities but also by the pro-rector of the World Maritime Univerisity, representatives of Odessa's Ilya Mechnikov National University or members of the Advisory Board.

On behalf of the UG, the Governing Week meetings were attended by Rector prof. dr. hab. Piotr Stepnowski, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation dr. hab. Anna Jurkowska-Zeidler, prof. UG, Vice-Dean for Internationalisation and Development of the Faculty of Management dr. hab. Angelika Kędzierska-Szczepaniak, prof. UG, SEA-EU Project Manager Marlena Rutkowska-Myzyk, SEA-EU Office Manager Natalia Lubińska, and Quality and Ethics Committee members Paulina Pawelska and Maciej Siwy.
‘The whole week was filled with fruitful sessions during which students from the partner universities could exchange their experiences and get actively involved in the project's life. During the Student Council, we planned our activities for the coming months and summarised our achievements. We also had a chance to take part in the Executive Committee and Supervisory Board deliberations, where we presented the effect of our work,' said Joanna Jakubowska, UG representative in the SEA-EU Students' Council.
There were also cultural events. Visitors to the Croatian university had the opportunity to see the Alka Museum, where a demonstration of a knights' tournament took place, and listen to a performance by the Šufit band and the jazz duo Sara & Jappa at the Croatian National Theatre. A special event for the alliance was the exhibition 'A Sea of Diversity', which showcased the 24 best works of the SEA-EU photo competition.
Governing Week is the most important event of the SEA-EU project. It takes place every six months and is organised by a different partner university each time. The inaugural Governing Week of the second phase of the consortium was prepared by the University of Cadiz; six months later, the alliance's governing body met in Gdansk, and then in Split. The next Governing Week will be held at Norway's NORD University.