This year's winners of the Jan Uphagen Prize for Young Scientists of the City of Gdańsk are dr Julia Balcerowska from the UG Institute of Psychology (humanities and social sciences) and dr Karol Steckiewicz from the Medical University of Gdańsk (sciences and natural sciences). On April 12, the laureates received their statuettes from the Mayor of Gdańsk Aleksandra Dulkiewicz.
‘I am glad that you are with us, that you are working in Gdańsk, that you are broadening your horizons, that you are crossing new borders in order to do good things with your knowledge for all of us,' said Aleksandra Dulkiewicz. - The City of Gdańsk Award for Young Scientists is a laurel awarded to a named, specific person. The people of Gdańsk recognise and support the scientific effort of each of them and motivate them to further work. (...) Young scientists, I bow to your talent, diligence and the fact that you are changing the world. On behalf of the community of Gdańsk, I ask for more.’

From left: dr Karol Steckiewicz i prof. Radosław Owczuk
The speeches of young scientists were preceded by laudations delivered by representatives of their universities. Dr Karol Steckiewicz's achievements were summarised by the Vice-Rector for Science at the MUG, prof. dr hab. Michał Markuszewski, who drew attention to the laureate's very early defence of his doctoral thesis, at the age of 24. The awardee himself thanked all those who had supported him in his scientific career, in particular his mentors - prof. dr hab. Michał Woźniak and the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, prof. dr hab. Radosław Owczuk.
‘The achievement in the form of a series of scientific publications formed the basis of her doctoral dissertation, defended with honours by dr Julia Balcerowska,’ talked about the laureate's achievements prof. dr hab. Beata Pastwa-Wociechowska from the Institute of Psychology at UG. ‘This series of articles showed that the link between narcissism and problematic use of social networks can be explained by two basic motives related to strengthening the Self and protecting the Self.’

From left: dr Paweł Atroszko, dr Julia Balcerowska, prof. Beata Pastwa-Wojciechowska
Dr Julia Balcerowska thanked the chapter for the reinforcement and motivation to continue her work and the researchers who supported her in her research: prof. Beata Pastwa-Wojciechowska and dr Pawel Atroszko. ‘I identify with Gdańsk, so this is a very valuable award for me. When I was still planning to become an actress, I came here for the Shakespeare Festival and fell in love with Gdańsk. I saw this city and thought that this is where I belong, this is where I would like to stay and this is where I would like to develop,’ said the winner.
Congratulations to the winner from the University of Gdańsk were conveyed, among others, by MEP dr Magdalena Adamowicz, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality UG dr hab. Arnold Kłonczyński, prof. UG, prof. dr hab. Jerzy Błażejowicz and Vice-Dean for Research and International Cooperation WNS dr hab. Radosław Kossakowski, prof. UG.
The Jan Uphagen Prize for Young Scientists of the City of Gdańsk is awarded annually for outstanding achievements to researchers under 30 years of age. It also carries a financial reward. In previous years, it was awarded to such University of Gdańsk scientists as the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences prof. dr hab. Michał Harciarek, the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Management prof. dr hab. Paweł Antonowicz, prof. UG, or dr hab. Karolina Pierzynowska from the Faculty of Biology.