Dr hab. Karol Horodecki, prof. UG, dr inż. Jan Tuziemski, mgr Leonard Sikorski and dr inż. Marek Winczewski won the main prize in the Tech category at the QL Future Hackathon. The scientists prepared a proposal to use a quantum computer for analysing the genome to detect the slice responsible for the anaemic disease or a subsequence of nucleotides that differs from the disease pattern by at most 10% of its length.
The slogan for this year's QL Future Hackathon was 'Health & Safety'. Teams had 24 hours to prepare an innovative solution based on quantum technology that would address a problem related to health or safety in the broadest sense.
Entries could be submitted in two categories: Concept and Tech. The former was open to people with no programming experience, while the latter required such skills. Prizes with a minimum value of PLN 12,000 awaited the winners.
Of the proposed problems, team members from UG chose the challenge in the Tech category, given by Capgemini. The problem was to find out if there was a snippet (subsequence of nucleotides) in the genome responsible for the anaemic disease, or a subsequence that differed from the disease pattern by at most 10% of its length.
Composition of the IIDQI team:
- dr hab. Karol Horodecki, prof. UG, Institute of Informatics
- dr Jan Tuziemski, Institute of Informatics
- mgr Leonard Sikorski, UG doctoral student
- dr inż. Marek Winczewski, ICTQT at UG
Congratulations to the winners!