For the third time, the Museum of the University of Gdańsk is taking part in the nationwide Night of the Museums campaign. The organisers promise plenty of attractions. Everyone is welcome - admission is free.
The Night of the Museums will take place this Saturday, May 18, in the building of the Faculty of History on Bielańska Street in Gdańsk.
‘We invite you to a night full of stories about history, art, and architecture. We will uncover the secrets of the former “Miastoprojekt” building and talk about its history and unique architectural solutions’ informs Museum of UG Director Marta Szaszkiewicz. ‘In addition, we will open the normally closed doors to the unique House of the Abbots of Pelplin, i.e. a 17th-century tenement house, in the Vestibule of which there is a unique bas-relief depicting the Old-Testament motif of "Susanna and the Old Man".’
‘How many buildings are here? Mysteries of the Labyrinth on Bielanska Street’
- 6:00 and 8:00 p.m.: Take part in a unique architectural walk through the complex of buildings of the former ''Miastoprojekt''. Let yourself be swept away by the magic of architecture and seek the answer to the question: how many buildings are there here? The walk will take place twice, our guide will lead you through the historical details of the building, discovering the beauty and significance of architecture over the years.
Collection: main entrance to the building, 5 Bielanska Street, duration of the walk 45-60 minutes.
- 5:00-9:00 p.m.: Take a fascinating guided tour of the House of the Abbots of Pelplin. Together with students from the Institute of Art History UG, you will have the opportunity to discover the history of this extraordinary place and explore the mysteries of the past. Experience an unforgettable journey through history and art with us!
Entrance from 3 Elżbietańska Street in Gdańsk, tours start every 20 minutes in groups of max. 10 ppl.
More information on the event website:
Where: 5 Bielanska Street, Faculty of History Building - Old Town
When: May 18, 2024 (Saturday), 5:00- 9:00 p.m.
Organisers: Museum of UG, Art History Scientific Circle UG
Free admission.

Poza atrakcjami przygotowanymi przez Muzeów UG podczas Europejskiej Nocy Muzeów w godz. 16:00-20:00 Zespół Pieśni i Tańca Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego „Jantar” będzie przemierzał okolice śródmieścia w strojach z różnych regionów Polski.
To okazji do spotkania Kaszuba, Górala żywieckiego, Krakowiaka lub Lublinianina!
Punkt informacyjny Zespołu Pieśni i Tańca Jantar, przy którym również można spotkać tancerzy przygotowany zlokalizowany będzie również przy ul. Bielańskiej 5 w Gdańsku.
Więcej informacji na stronie wydarzenia:
Gdzie: ul. Bielańska 5, Budynek Wydziału Historycznego - Stare Miasto
Kiedy: 18 maja 2024 r. (sobota), w godz. 17:00-21:00
Organizatorzy: Muzeum Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Koło Naukowe Historii Sztuki UG
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