Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO), our SEA-EU partner is one of eight institutions involved in BIENVENÜE, a fellowship programme that offers 75, two-year-long postdoctoral positions to international, highly-skilled researchers. Co-funded by the EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, Région Bretagne and partner institutions. The programme aims to reinforce Brittany's research excellence and R&I regional politics.
Projects from every discipline classify for funding, as long as they are directly or indirectly related to one of those strategic objectives of Breton RIS3 and Strategic Innovation Areas:
− Maritime economy for blue growth,
− Secure and responsible digital economy,
− Health and welfare economics for a better quality of life,
− Food economy for everyone to eat well,
− Economics of the industry for intelligent production
and/or the transversal axis around transitions.
Deadline for applications is March 15, 2021.
If you are interested in one of BIENVENÜE's fellowships continue reading about eligibility conditions, programme contents, financial support and how to apply HERE.