‘Inauguratio means beginning’. Inauguration ceremony for the 2024/2025 academic year at the UG Faculty of Oceanography and Geography

fot. Alan Stocki

‘This is a special moment for all of us, with our hearts and souls attached to the Faculty and to the University of Gdańsk, but especially for you who are beginning your studies,’ welcomed the gathered Dean of the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography UG Dr hab. Katarzyna Smolarz, prof. UG. ‘This is also a special moment for me because it is the first time I have opened the academic year as dean.’

The Faculty of Oceanography and Geography was the last at the University of Gdańsk to officially start the new academic year. The ceremony took place in Gdynia, in the auditorium of the Oceanography Building. The Rector's authorities were represented by the Vice-Rector for Education, dr Ewa Szymczak, prof. UG, for whom the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography is the home faculty.

In her speech, the Faculty’s Dean, prof. Katarzyna Smolarz recalled the history of the Faculty and her outstanding predecessors. She gave special thanks to the Dean's team of the previous term, who had the difficult task of leading the Faculty in extremely turbulent times, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the outbreak of war in Ukraine, which severely disrupted the sense of security. Prof. K. Smolarz also noted that among the 12 former deans of the FOG, there was only one woman, prof. Halina Piekarek-Jankowska, while the current Dean's Team is exclusively made up of women: - This is women's time,’ said the Professor.


Summing up the past academic year, prof. Katarzyna Smolarz emphasised the research successes of the scientific staff: numerous publications in top-scoring journals, obtaining grants from domestic and foreign institutions and participation in international research projects and scientific expeditions (e.g. prof. dr hab. Wojciech Tylmann in an expedition to Australia, dr. Anna Panasiuk in an Arctic expedition, or dr. hab. Agata Weydmann-Zwolicka, prof. UG in the BaltArctic Research Cruise). The Dean also mentioned the awarding of the Jan Hevelius Science Prize of the City of Gdańsk to prof. dr hab. Hanna Mazur-Marzec. She also thanked all the staff, thanks to whom life at the Faculty can run smoothly and comfortably.

‘May our shared passion, commitment and determination become the foundation for our future endeavours ,’ said dr hab. Katarzyna Smolarz, prof. UG. - I am deeply convinced that the coming years will be full of events conducive to the development of the Faculty, and that our joint efforts will contribute to making this coming time a time of fruitful cooperation and effective learning. In this way, our Faculty of Oceanography and Geography has the chance to become a strong and stable faculty where dialogue, people, and community matter.

Vice-Rector for Education dr Ewa Szymczak, prof. UG, pointed out how perfectly the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography fits into the vision of the University of Gdańsk as a modern, inclusive and highly internationalised university. She recalled the cooperation within the SEA-EU alliance, which will soon see the opening of the Marine Blue Economy joint degree programme, as well as the implementation of a micro-qualification system. She also stressed the importance of cooperation with the environment: the university does not operate in a vacuum, the socio-economic environment is crucial to it, because it is for the community that it educates.

The Latin word inauguratio means commencement, initiation, something new,’ said Professor E. Szymczak, addressing first-year students just before their matriculation. ‘And you are just now starting a completely new stage of your life. In a moment, you will take the oath and, as students of our Faculty, you can be sure that you will meet eminent scientists who will provide you with knowledge, wisdom, and truth gained in the course of research, in the course of scientific investigations, but also proven in practical activities. Acquiring this knowledge will give you a solid foundation on which to build your personal development and your career. I may sadden or surprise you, but these studies are certainly not the last stage of your education - modern times force us to continuously improve, and lifelong learning is no longer a choice, but a necessity.’

At the end of the ceremony, the inaugural lecture ‘Historical and contemporary climate change at different spatial scales’ was delivered by prof. dr hab. Rajmund Przybylak from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.

In the 2024/2025 academic year, the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography will host the Wacław Szybalski Named Chair, which will be held by prof. Dariusz Stramski from the University of California, a prominent marine researcher in the field of optical oceanography, this year's recipient of the Nils Gunnar Jerlov Medal. The handover of the chair will take place at a separate ceremony.

DR/CPC UG; photo by Alan Stocki