science portal

science portal
Magdalena Nieczuja-Goniszewska: - You were the director of the Institute of Scandinavian and Fennist Studies at the UG for many years, but you became involved with this unit much earlier? Dr hab. Maria Sibińska, prof. UG: - Yes, in 1982 I started my studies in the Department of Scandinavian Studies at the then Faculty of Humanities. At that time, there…
science portal
prof. Ulrike Müßig and prof. Michał Gałędek What does the 3rd of May Constitution look like in the context of European constitutional history? What is the monarchia mixta of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealthbased on ? Is freedom inscribed in the Polish national identity? We discuss all this with prof. Ulrike Müßig from the…
science portal
Dr Weronika Babinska-Wensierska is the first person to graduate from the Intercollegiate Doctoral School of Biotechnology at UG and MUG, and she defended her PhD with honours. We invite you to read a conversation on the state of natural water bodies and the impact of bacteria on agricultural land.   Julia Bereszczyńska: - In your doctoral thesis, you…
science portal
Dr Beata Czechowska-Derkacz talks to Dr Barbara Pawłowska, prof. UG from the Faculty of Economics, about the potential of the blue economy, 'maritime' PhD graduates, the competencies of the future and the SEA-EU DOC project.   Dr Beata Czechowska-Derkacz: - You are the Director of the Doctoral School in Humanities and Social Sciences at the…
science portal
Dr Dorota Godlewska-Werner from the Department of Economic and Organisational Psychology of the Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Gdańsk talks to dr Beata Czechowska-Derkacz.   - Well-being is a very broad concept. What meanings does it contain? - It is indeed a very broad concept, and a thorough analysis…
science portal
Dr Beata Czechowska-Derkacz: - It's been a year since you took over the Chair named after Professor Maria Janion at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Gdańsk. Do you already feel at home at our university? Prof. Agata Bielik-Robson: - In the first semester after taking up the chair, I visited Gdańsk every month, so I really felt at home here. However, I work at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the…
science portal
Anna Młynkowiak-Stawarz  Dr Beata Czechowska-Derkacz talks to mgr Anna Młynkowiak-Stawarz from the Faculty of Management UG about new travel models, environmental protection and wellbeing tourism. – On one of the blogs on sustainable tourism, I found a definition defining this mode of travel as a ‘form of tourism and recreation that…
science portal
Prof. Grzegorz Węgrzyn Professor Grzegorz Węgrzyn, Chairman of the Council for Scientific Excellence, Head of the Department of Molecular Biology at the Faculty of Biology of the UG, talks to dr Beata Czechowska-Derkacz about alternative therapies, drugs for rare genetic diseases, pharmaceutical companies, and the Nobel Prize for…
science portal
Aleksandra Górska-Jankowska. Fot. Alan Stocki/UG. It is not easy to predict the commercial success of a work. Therefore, it happens that the disproportion between the remuneration of the creator and the benefits of the copyright purchaser is crushing. What is the 'bestseller clause', and why is it so rarely used? In the next episode…
science portal
Dr Beata Czechowska-Derkacz talks about posthumanism, the role of women in culture, academic passion and the history of Gdańsk's Polish studies with Professor Małgorzata Książek-Czermińska from the Faculty of Philology at the UG. - The family home shapes our professional passions, approach to work, life and people. Was this also the case for you as a professor? - My childhood was quite characteristic of the just post…