
The 'Star of Internationalisation' award is conferred by a jury of representatives of Polish institutions and organisations involved in developing internationalisation (e.g. NAWA, FRSE, Perspektywy). This prestigious award recognises people from the academic community who have made a unique contribution to the internationalisation of Polish universities — the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation at the University…
'Shift to culture', 'Green carpet' and 'Yellow Ribbon' are the winning projects of the second stage of the 'Railway to the South' competition, organised jointly by the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway (PKM) and Fahrenheit Universities (FarU). Students from MUG, PG and UG developed concepts for the functioning of future stops of the PKM South line. The participants' task was to detail the solutions presented in the eight…
Dear Academia, we would like to invite you to read our International Office newsletter 01/2023, presenting activities and actions in the field of international cooperation. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need additional information. International Office Załączniki…
Twelve scientists from nine countries will visit the University of Gdańsk as part of the third edition of the 'Visiting Professors' programme. The first of these, Yoshi Masahiko - an economist from Japan who will speak about the trade policies of European Union countries in the context of the energy crisis - will come to the UG next week!  The laureates include applicants from the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and…
Prof. Claire Belcher at controlled burn in Dorset UK Prof. Claire Belcher sets things on fire. It's part of her job as a Professor and Chair in Wildland Fire in University of Exter. Thanks to the data from her research, she can study fire behaviour, and its influence on the environment. On January 25th, prof. Belcher arrived in…
Establishing permanent research and didactic cooperation between the University of Gdańsk and the IT Technical Secondary School in Puck opens up a new field of activity: it allows students to use the resources, base and scientific events organised at the University of Gdańsk. For the University, it opens the door to further cooperation in improving the…
Pictured from the left: dr Michał Szypniewski, dr Marek Benio and dr Monika Tomaszewska, prof. UG. Photo by Alan Stocki/UG. Bringing together the worlds of employers, academics, employees, and civil servants is the mission of the European Labour Mobility Institute (ELMI) association, which is starting to cooperate with…
Under the motto 'HOISTING HISTORY', the European Solidarity Centre and the University of Gdańsk invite you to monthly popular science lectures focusing on the Gdańsk Shipyard and its workers. The first lecture is already on January 26. Admission is free. In mid-July 2022, the Gdańsk ECS opened an exhibition entitled. 'STOCZNIA | Man. Industry. City.' …
The first 'Friday at the History Faculty' in the new year 2023 - a meeting with the author of the book 'Everyday life of the Teutonic Order cities in Prussia' dr hab. Kazimierz Grążawski, prof. UWM in Olsztyn. On Friday 13.01.2023r. at 1 pm, another meeting in the series 'Friday at the History Faculty' took place. The initiative aims to integrate the academic community, get to know the work of eminent scientists and…
Coffee with a psychologist in the morning, lunch with the Rector of the University of Gdańsk in the afternoon and an Adele Songbook concert by the University of Gdańsk Vocal Studio in the evening. See what else the academic community of our university has put up for auction at the 31st finale of WOŚP…