
Dr Barbara Kijewska from the Department of Public Policy and Administration at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Gdańsk has been appointed to the Gdańsk Equal Treatment Council for the second term. The Council is to deal with equality issues, counteracting discrimination and intolerance. Dr Kijewska has a research background in equality policies, so she will be…
Dr Tadeusz Sznajderski from the Institute of Journalism, Media and Social Communication of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Gdańsk was appointed to the Programme Council of the Polish Radio in Koszalin for the next term. He was recommended by the Association of Polish Journalists, the largest creative and professional organisation of the journalistic…
Photo: Krzysztof Krzempek/PG. The University of Gdańsk and the Gdańsk University of Technology have reached an agreement on cooperation in terms of exchanging experiences in the creation and functioning of the university's IT infrastructure. PG will initially grant UG a licence to its eUczelnia system and will make it available to the University of Gdańsk…
Photo: The Psychological Counselling Centre for Genetic Rare Diseases, operating since 2019 within the structures of the Institute of Psychology of the University of Gdańsk, conducts scientific research into, among other things, the psychological functioning of people with rare diseases on a genetic basis. In 2020 alone, 150 children…
'It's enough to go to the Sopot pier to see wintering waterfowl,' encourages prof. dr hab. Włodzimierz Meissner, Head of the Department of Ecology and Zoology of Vertebrates, UG. - 'We can see ducks, swans, cormorants, tufted ducks and goldeneyes,' - he adds. The annual counting of wintering waterfowl in the Gulf of Gdańsk is coming to an end, with the participation of…
Appreciating the increasing importance of quantum technologies for the industry of the future, the representatives of six Polish universities and two institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences, implementing the largest projects in the field of quantum technologies, signed a letter of intent on cooperation and development of research-based on them. Representing our…
Dominik Landa, commercial director of Deepwater Container Terminal Gdańsk (DCT), will be the guest of Radio MORS Economic Index programme. The graduate of the Faculty of Transport and Logistics at the University of Gdańsk encourages current students to take an interest in job opportunities in the maritime transport industry. The programme will air on Wednesday, January 27 at…
The Rector of the University of Gdańsk met on Monday with the Consul General of the People's Republic of China, Fan Xiaodong. This is the first visit of the Consul to the University after he took up his post in December last year. The meeting focused on the cooperation between the University of Gdańsk and the Consulate of the People's Republic of China. The common goal of the University and the Consulate is, among…
Eleven academics from the University of Gdańsk have supported the idea of creating a metropolitan association in Pomorskie Voivodeship. They put their signatures to an open letter addressed to MPs in the Polish Parliament, appealing for the support of the metropolitan law. The appeal was initiated by prof. dr hab. Iwona Sagan from the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography at…
Mayor Aleksandra Dulkiewicz New headquarters for the Paweł Adamowicz University's Secondary School and joint activities to attract talented scientists from abroad were two of many topics discussed during a meeting between Mayor Aleksandra Dulkiewicz and Rector Prof. Piotr Stepnowski at the University of Gdansk. - The University of Gdańsk is linked to the…