
Fot. SOPOGRAFIA. Jerzy Bratkowski The aim of dr Katarzyna Kręglewska's project, a laureate of the Gdańsk Humanities Support Programme, is to investigate how theatre has functioned in the Tricity area over the past thirty-two years and to present the results in the form of a scientific monograph. The Support Programme for the Humanities in Gdańsk is…
The computer game entitled 'Tropem nadbałtyckich tajemnic, czyli nauka języka polskiego, historia i kultura Gdańska' as a project of the scientists from the University of Gdańsk has been granted nearly PLN 100 000 under the NAWA programme for the Promotion of Polish Language. The game will be addressed mainly to students of Istanbul University, who are interested in learning the Polish language, history and culture, and…
Dr hab. inż. Konrad Ocalewicz, prof. UG, from the Department of Marine Biology and Ecology of the Institute of Oceanography at the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography UG, was awarded the Scientist of the Future 2021 prize in the category: Science for a Better Future Life for his research project entitled Telomerase and Telomeric DNA Dynamics in Rainbow Trout with Growth Disorders and Disrupted Gonadal Development. The…
Dr Karolina Pierzynowska from the Faculty of Biology at the University of Gdańsk has become the winner of the prestigious international Future Science Future Star Award, which for the first time goes to a Polish scientist. Congratulations! The Future Science Future Star Award Committee has taken note of the research conducted by dr Karolina Pierzynowska on developing therapies for Alzheimer's and Huntington's disease…
The University of Gdańsk is the most important scientific centre researching bird migration in Poland. - 'Many years of research make it possible to trace changes in migratory birds under the influence of various factors, of which climate warming has aroused the greatest interest in recent years. We managed to show, among others, that birds in response to shorter and milder winters not only change the distance and time…
  Every day about 15 people commit suicide in Poland. Data from the Police Headquarters show that in the first five months of this year there were almost 5.7 thousand suicide attempts (women - almost 1.7 thousand, men - almost 4 thousand). This is more than in the corresponding period last year. - 4.8 thousand (women - 1.3 thousand, men - 3.5 thousand). This year's result is also higher than the one observed two…
  The meeting of the Committee on Emigration Affairs and Liaison with Poles Abroad of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, which was devoted to the presentation of scientific achievements in the field of Polish issues and cooperation with the Polish community abroad, was attended by dr hab. Anna Mazurkiewicz, prof. UG, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of History for Scientific Research and International Cooperation UG. …
Six Polish authors, aged 25 to 41, will participate in a workshop in the winter of 2021/2022 at a base five hundred kilometres beyond the Arctic Circle. The Uløya Island base will provide unparalleled conditions for reflection and creative work. The competition and workshops entitled Without a Mask. Workshops in the Arctic for Polish humanists, writers, philosophers and historians are announced by the Identitas…
Dr hab. Robert Czajkowski, prof. UG from the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG and GUMed has been awarded in the competition of the National Centre of Science SONATA BIS 10. He received more than PLN 3 million for the implementation of his five-year research project entitled 'Friends or foes? The role of prophages in environmental adaptation and virulence of pectinolytic bacteria: Dickeya spp. and…
Dr Anna Iglikowska from the Faculty of Biology, UG. Dr Anna Iglikowska from the Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk, was awarded the prize in the Miniatura 5 competition of the National Science Centre. Her project, entitled: 'Testing bioaccumulation of heavy metals in aquatic crustaceans from the group of Ostracoda,' will observe the impact of water…