
We would like to invite you to take part in the Summer Online Concert, organised by the Student Event Organisation Team, operating at the Alternator Academic Cultural Centre of the University of Gdańsk. On the 4th of June at 18:00, we will meet on the patio at the Faculty of Biology to listen to the sound of summer, atmospheric music. Sara Kordowska and her band will be…
Ewa Karolina Cichocka, a researcher of Polish-Sicilian artistic and literary relations, talks to Magdalena Nieczuja-Goniszewska about her new book Leopard in oranges. Sicilian culinary notes. Magdalena Nieczuja-Goniszewska discusses it. - Leopard in oranges. Sicilian Culinary Notes is your third book about Sicily. This time, you were seduced by the culinary world, but as usual, you also reached for literature. - This is…
The Between.Pomiędzy Literature and Theatre Festival is taking place in virtual space for the second time. The subsequent events will last three more days ( May 14-16 2021). These include a presentation of a performance by Teatr Powszechny. Here is a reminder of the programme of festival events for the coming weekend May 14, 2021 (Friday) Poetry and Drama for Today: an academic conference (R, ENG) 18.00 How Artificial…
Two gold medals - this is how the UG Academic Choir ended up participating in the 3rd World Virtual Choir Festival 2021 in Indonesia, organised by the Bandung Choral Society. Between April 30th and May 5th, 2021 the UG Academic Choir took part in the 3rd World Virtual Choir Festival 2021 in Indonesia, organised by the Bandung Choral Society. The event was extremely popular -…
The Foreign Languages Centre of the University of Gdansk invites you to another meeting within the Sunday Sessions series - Swedish Edition. This project is addressed to students and enthusiasts of Scandinavia. If you wonder how studies in Sweden look like and what is worth knowing about them, we invite you to the third meeting of the Sunday Sessions - Swedish Edition. It…
The Between. Pomiędzy Festival of Literature and Theatre will take place in virtual space for the second time. The 12th edition of the event from May 10 to 16, 2021 will feature meetings with poets, writers and translators, presentations of theatre recordings, the premiere of a radio play, discussions, as well as student projects, conferences and seminars. The festival promotes humanistic research and cooperation…
A film by Pawel Podolski, a student of the Philology Department, awarded at the international Austin Comedy Film Festival Paweł Podolski, a first-year student of Film and Audiovisual Culture at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Gdańsk, and director of the short film Czy potwory jedzą kiwi [Do Monsters Eat Kiwi], received the award for best international director at the Austin Comedy Film Festival. The film…
April 29, 2021, is the International Dance Day. On this occasion, we asked Barbara Madany, the organisational manager of the University of Gdańsk Song and Dance Ensemble 'Jantar', about the group and its plans for the future. - You have been active since the beginning of the University of Gdańsk - since 1970. How is it that despite the changes of the times, political system and generations, your group, in which you…
Ewa Karolina Cichocka discusses with prof. dr hab. Stefan Chwin from the Faculty of Philology, University of Gdańsk, the book entitled 'Oddać życie za Polskę. Samobójstwo altruistyczne w literaturze polskiej XIX wieku', published as the third in the series on suicide in culture. - Your book entitled Oddać życie za Polskę is the third book concerning the issue of suicide that you have published. What area of culture does…
Another part of the Backstage series is hosted by the Brikolaż Theatre Studies Club. This time the guests will be Jolanta Sikorska and Mariusz Karpowicz from the Gdańsk-based Lampart Association, which promotes theatre activities. The Lampart Association was established over two years ago on the initiative of Jolanta Sikorska and operates as a public benefit organisation. It…