
AZS University of Gdańsk invites all students, lecturers and activists to the online conference 'Be Better! Your way to the goal'. During the event specialists in such fields as mental preparation, nutrition, prevention in sport or preventive tests will share their knowledge. The event starts on Saturday, April 24th at 15:00 on the MS Teams platform. During the meeting, you…
Lord Mansfield was indeed astonishing, in ninety cases out of a hundred he was right, and if he was wrong, only one lawyer in a hundred was able to recognise it. Join us for a meeting with the author of Lord Mansfield. To Be a Judge! prof. Jerzy Zajadło. The book about Lord Mansfield is a journey through history: law, jurisprudence and politics of 18th century England.…
Monday, April 19, marks the 78th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and the International Holocaust and Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Remembrance Day. We asked dr hab. Miłosława Borzyszkowska - Szewczyk, prof. UG from the Faculty of Philology and dr hab. Grzegorz Berendt, prof. UG from the Faculty of History, to explain the situation of Kashubian and Gdańsk Jews during the Holocaust. - 'I must ensure that their memory…
The theatre festival Figuratywni, which brings theatre and the art of acting closer, is one of the projects of the Independent Students' Union UG. - 'Participation in the theatre festival is a great opportunity to develop one's improvisation skills thanks to valuable exercises in theatre and make-up, but not only,' - say the organisers. Changing the convention of Kashubian legends - this is the title of the second…
The Foreign Languages Centre of the University of Gdańsk would like to invite you to another meeting within the Sunday Sessions - Swedish Edition series. It is a new project aimed at students and enthusiasts of Scandinavia. The series of online meetings are open to students and enthusiasts of Scandinavia, mainly popularising Scandinavian culture. - 'The topics discussed will…
The Brikolaż Theatrology Research Club would like to invite you on 12.04.2021 at 18.30 for the next part of the series BACKSTAGE. This time we will meet Mirosław Niebodajew and Monika Bieszke from the Technical Department of Musical Theatre in Gdynia. The organizers invite the guests to talk about the process of working on a musical from the perspective of the technical team and about the production of the show. They…
Sunday Sessions - Swedish Edition is a new project by the Foreign Languages Centre UG to cover Swedish and English. A meeting with Swedish architecture and landscape is planned to start on 28 March. - 'The project is to popularise learning foreign languages and the culture of other countries,' explains Alina Swebocka, head of CJO UG. She does not rule out that other languages…
In the year celebrating the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri, on the occasion of Dantedì, the day on which, according to tradition, Dante's journey into the afterlife described in the 'Divine Comedy' began, the Italianists of the Postgraduate Italian Studies programme at the University of Gdańsk will take part in a marathon of several hours of a live reading…
An interdisciplinary monograph by dr Tomasz Snarski from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk entitled 'Kościół katolicki wobec kary śmierci. Między prawem a filozofią i teologią' (TN: The Catholic Church and the Death Penalty. Between Law, Philosophy and Theology') has been published in a series of publications entitled Biblioteka Więzi. - The…
Motto: Sometimes I remember something very important from family stories, but without the context of the accompanying events. That is why I looked very hard for family contexts in this book. Professor, this is the third novel in your output and the eighth literary book. The now well-known and respected economist and scientist working in Poland and abroad made his debut at the…