
In December, another part of the cultural project Niepodległa bez granic: Pol(s)ka w Japonii 2021 (Poland Without Borders: Poland in Japan 2021) will premiere online on December 18 and 28, 2021. Niepodległa bez granic: Pol(s)ka w Japonii has been created thanks to the long-term cooperation of the Amareya Theatre&Guests team with the Japanese artistic and academic community, as well as with Polish institutions…
- 'John Hevelius appears as an unusual character, outstanding against the background of the epoch, but also a man of flesh and blood, experiencing ups and downs, dilemmas and raptures,' - says dr hab. Sławomir Kościelak, prof. UG, researcher and expert on the modern history of Gdańsk from the Faculty of History UG. The debate devoted to one of Gdańsk's most eminent scholars and a well-known figure associated with the…
They started in a modest, friendly group. The pretext for setting up the group was the graduation concert of the choir's founder and current conductor, Beata Borowicz. At the time, the line-up was limited to a group of a dozen or so friends, and the name Non Serio, as they say, seemed adequate for the planned one performance. They recently played their 30+ Jubilee concert, with many achievements to their credit and…
30+ Jubilee Concert, UG Theatre Hall. Photo Monika Buller. They started in a modest, friendly group. The pretext for setting up the group was the graduation concert of the choir's founder and current conductor, Beata Borowicz. At the time, the line-up was limited to a group of a dozen or so friends, and the name Non Serio, as they say, seemed adequate for…
Maurice Durufle's Requiem will be performed by the Choir of the University of Gdańsk conducted by Paweł Przytocki together with soloists and the Orchestra of the Polish Baltic Philharmonic. October 21, the 33rd edition of the International Festival of Religious Music named after Fr. Stanisław Ormiński will begin in the Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Rumia. The festival in this sanctuary of Rumia has already had…
Imagine the world anew - this is the fifth meeting as part of the cycle The Philosopher's Helplessness. Conversations about modernity with Shakespeare in the background. The topic of the discussion in the Shakespeare Theatre will be the causes of the crisis of modern imagination, as well as its psychosocial, political, and cultural consequences. The host and guests will draw inspiration from myths, dreams, and creative…
The 14th ACADEMIA Academic and Scientific Book Fair was held in Warsaw from September 10–13, during which prizes in the ACADEMIA 2021 Competition for the best academic and scientific publication were awarded. Professor Kamil Zeidler's book entitled The Wisdom of Chinese Aphorisms. On State, Law, Politics and Power, published by the University of Gdańsk Publishing House in…
The 100th birthday of Stanisław Lem. Film premiere and discussion at NCK - 'Stanisław Lem, whose birth centenary we are celebrating this weekend, is one of the most appreciated and most... underestimated Polish writers of the 20th century,' says dr Maciej Dajnowski from the Faculty of Philology at the University of Gdańsk. On the 100th birthday of the author of Solaris, people of culture and science will discuss his…
- 'At Westerplatte we should talk about the unique, symbolic dimension of this place because it was there that the first battle of World War II began, and Polish soldiers demonstrated the highest virtues in service to the civic community,' says dr hab. Grzegorz Berendt prof. UG from the Faculty of History UG and acting director of the World War II Museum in Gdańsk. Ewa Karolina Cichocka asks about his reflections on the…
The traditional Vilnius fair, accompanied by a rich artistic programme, will take place in Gdańsk for the 18th time. It will be accompanied by a rich artistic programme including literary meetings, concerts, exhibitions, discussions, film screenings and handicraft workshops. Vilnius in Gdańsk / Vilnius Gdanske is an interdisciplinary cultural festival that has been organised…