Speech-Man-World: linguistic persuasion in different discourses. III International Scientific Conference at the UG

For the third time, the Institute of Russian and Eastern Studies of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Gdansk organizes an interdisciplinary international conference in the series Speech - Man - World: Linguistic Persuasion in various discourses. Scheduled to take place last May in Gdańsk, it will be held remotely on May 13 and 14. - 'We regret that we cannot meet the guests in person, most of them wanted to come to Gdansk. At the same time, we are glad that modern information technologies make it possible to hold virtual meetings,' says dr hab. Żanna Sadkiewicz prof. UG from the Faculty of Philology, UG.

The previous edition of the 2018 conference was attended by around a hundred people. - 'Such a wide interest in the topic once again confirmed the fact that research on contemporary persuasive communication is an extremely inspiring and still undefined current in humanities research,' the organisers explain. Participants included scientists from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, the United States, as well as scholars from the country's leading research centres.

As they claim, the inspiration for the topic of persuasive communication is not accidental. - 'The necessity to study the mechanisms of linguistic persuasion, especially in the conditions of technological and media turn, is an extremely inspiring and undefined current in humanistic research, attracting a wide range of experts on this subject - linguists, religious scholars, media scholars, literary scholars, psychologists, pedagogues, political scientists, sociologists, cultural scholars,' - explains prof. UG Żanna Sadkiewicz. In her opinion, the main goal of the conference is to create an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas between scientists whose research in various fields of science contributes to the deepening of knowledge on the ways of effective linguistic influence in various types of discourse: political, media, religious, legal or didactic discourse, both in the national and intercultural communication space. - 'Each form of linguistic influence, each act of persuasion is a multidimensional and multilevel phenomenon, implying a complex reflection on the aspects of the art of persuasive communication. Questions about the specificity of mechanisms of exerting influence, the secrets of the attractiveness of a message and the essence of a persuasive statement constantly provoke reflection on the complex nature of linguistic persuasion occurring in various discourses of everyday communication,' she adds.

The success of the first two editions of the conference, which resulted in four volumes of monographs, does not mean the end of the search for answers to questions about the essence of linguistic persuasion. - 'On the contrary - we would like to invite you once again to a scientific discussion, referring to the research perspectives of such disciplines like linguistics, media studies, psychology, political science, sociology, cultural sciences, marketing and others,' encourages prof. UG Żanna Sładkiewicz.

Ewa Cichocka/Press Office of University of Gdańsk