Webinar 'Cooperation of Pomeranian universities for innovation development', in which the rectors of the three largest universities in Pomerania together with the presidents of university special-purpose entities, representatives of the local government and entrepreneurs will talk about new opportunities for scientists in establishing cooperation with business and industry will be held on Wednesday, June 9, at 11 am at Gdańsk University of Technology.
The webinar will concern the programme 'μGrants R&D for enterprises' (more about the programme at: mikrogranty.com.pl), which is operated by Excento, a special-purpose entity of the GUT, which deals with building relationships and formalising cooperation between science and business daily.
The meeting will be attended, among others, by the rectors of three leading universities of the region: prof. Krzysztof Wilde (GUT), prof. Marcin Gruchała (GUMed) and prof. Piotr Stepnowski (UG), as well as presidents of university special-purpose entities connecting scientists with industry and business and representatives of the Pomeranian Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Marshal's Office of the Pomeranian Voivodeship.
During the meeting, which will be hosted by Piotr Markowski - the project coordinator of Excento, the guests will look at the main objectives and present the benefits of participation in the project "μGrants R&D for enterprises". They will discuss in details the areas of engagement foreseen for employees and scientific teams. They will also present the economic specialisations that will be particularly supported in the programme.
The webinar will also include questions about the role played by universities in the development of local businesses and the socio-economic environment. Guests will also talk about good practices of such cooperation based on examples of commercialisation of research results. The meeting will also provide an opportunity to discuss the future activities of universities associated with the Daniel Fahrenheit Association of Universities in Gdańsk in terms of supporting innovation.
Do not wait and reserve your place! Register and join the event HERE. https://tiny.pl/rzmf5