Fulbright STEM Impact Award - online meeting - welcome!

Please join us for an online meeting on Tuesday 22.03.2022 at 11.00 a.m. regarding the STEM Impact Award programme.

Fulbright STEM Impact Award is a program for people who lead research projects in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) areas, employed in Polish academic and scientific institutions. The scholarship allows for implementation of short-term research and/or teaching project and broadening the knowledge of science commercialisation and effective grant writing at institutions in the USA.

The online meeting is organised by dr hab. Anna Kłonkowska, prof. UG - Fulbright Ambassador and the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry UG prof. dr hab. Beata Grobelna and the Deputy Head of the Department of Metrology and Optoelectronics at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of the Gdańsk University of Technology dr hab. inż. Robert Bogdanowicz, prof. PG.

- 'When choosing future grantees, the Fulbright committee looks not only at such strict academic achievements as the number of publications or citations but also at whether the person will use in a practical way what they learn there. It also looks at personality traits - whether the person will infect you with passion for what they do, whether they have a sense of mission, so it is not just academic achievements that are important. I really believe that the Fulbright scholarship brings a lot of benefits not only to the person taking the scholarship but also to his or her scientific environment. I very, very sincerely recommend this programme. It is worth taking advantage of it,' - said prof. Anna Kłonkowska in an interview on our website.

'I highly recommend this scholarship. The knowledge and experiences gained definitely influenced my scientific development. It is also a change of my own perspective and scientific thinking and perception of certain problems. I think that the Fulbright scholarship is the best experience that has happened to me so far. When I arrived I was a bit stressed, but now when I get up in the morning I am excited about what awaits me today, what I am going to learn, what I am going to learn,' - said Weronika Kamińska about her experiences during the Fulbright scholarship.

Link to the meeting:https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YjdmMWFmZDEtYTQ5Yy00YzNjLWJiNTUtMzc3MzNjOWJlOTg3%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222d9a5a9f-69b7-4940-a1a6-af55f35ba069%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%228e4b10f8-5e18-4db2-a334-32669e07c724%22%7d