Poznań Literature Prize for prof. Stanisław Rosiek

Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Rosiek has been awarded the Poznań Literature Prize - Adam Mickiewicz Prize 2022.

As part of his academic work, prof. Stanisław Rosiek dealt with the posthumous cult of Adam Mickiewicz in the 1990s. In 1997, he published a book entitled Zwłoki Mickiewicza. Próba nekrografii poety', a continuation of this research became the book 'Mickiewicz (after death)', published in 2013. In his Mickiewicz studies - besides necrography - he also dealt with the scientific reception of Mickiewicz. The anthology 'Mickiewicz w Pamiętniku Literackim', published in 2011, became the fruit of these interests, presenting, on the principle of pars pro toto, the over-century-long formation of Mickiewiczology.

Another sphere of scientific research and editorial activity was the work of several 20th-century writers (Peiper, Schulz, Białoszewski, Mrożek). These included a several-volume edition of Sławomir Mrożek's 'Rysunki zebrane' (1998-2001). In 2002, he published the anthology 'Wymiary śmierci', in 2008 the essays '[nienapisane]', and in 2010 a volume of sketches 'Władza słowa'.

For the past few years, prof. Stanisław Rosiek has been researching the works of Bruno Schulz. The forerunner of this research was 'Słownik schulzowski' published in 2002. (in collaboration with Włodzimierz Bolecki and Jerzy Jarzębski). He is currently the publisher of Schulz's collected works, and editor-in-chief of the journal 'Schulz/Forum', which has been published since 2012. In 2021, his book was published under the title 'Odcięcie. Szkice wokół Brunona Schulza'.

The jury's verdict was announced on April 22, 2022, by prof. Bogumiła Kaniewska, Rector of UAM. The award ceremony will take place on May 28, 2021, at the ZAMEK Culture Centre in Poznań.

More information on the website of the Poznań Literature Prize

Congratulations to the winner!

Prof. Stanisław Rosiek (born in 1953) - a literature historian, essayist and publisher, connected with the Institute of Polish Philology at the University of Gdańsk since 1977. He co-edited three volumes of the Transgressions series with Maria Janion and was active as a literary critic in the 1970s. Together with Stefan Chwin, he wrote the book "Bez autorytetu. Szkice" (1981), for which he received the Kościelski Foundation Prize in 1983. He co-founded the słowo/obraz terytoria Publishing House, which he has headed as editor-in-chief (and later as president) since 1995.

The text comes from the website of the Poznań Literary Award

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