Good OSH practices during remote working, working conditions and health, and fire safety are the topics of the conference 'Safety and Health at Work'. On September 27, as many as 12 expert panels will take place during the event organised by the Office of Occupational Safety and Health UG.
The 'Safety and Health at Work' conference creates a space where employees working in the broad field of occupational safety and health protection can exchange experiences, expand their knowledge, and make new professional contacts free of charge.
The conference programme is divided into three thematic panels: occupational safety, health protection, and technical and fire safety. The organisers of the event want to present each of the selected topics in the context of both changing legislation and progressive developments and to present them from three different points of view, i.e. that of the employer, the controlling authorities and the socio-economic environment.
All members of the UG academic community are invited. During the event, panels will be chaired, among others, by Paweł Grabowski, Deputy District Labour Inspector for Supervision in Gdańsk, and Brigadier Leszek Kowalczuk, President of the Gdańsk Branch of the Association of Fire Service Engineers and Technicians (SITP). The speakers will speak in the Library Auditorium of the University of Gdańsk.