academic life
How have Polish-Ukrainian relations changed over the past two years? The six-day celebration commemorating the 10th anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the 2nd anniversary of the full-scale war concluded with the panel 'Polish-Ukrainian relations after 24.02.2022'. On 26 February, diplomats, politicians, academics and activists met at the…
academic life
Join us this Saturday (March 25, 2023) for a free workshop on making trench candles, where we will learn how to make them in the spirit of zero waste. These will then go to soldiers fighting in Ukraine. We want to invite all those interested to the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Gdańsk (ul. Bażyńskiego 4, Gdańsk) on level 100. The workshop will be led by Marta Karcz - the Students for Ukraine collection…
Unconventional ways of learning Polish by Ukrainian refugees will be investigated by researchers from the University of Gdańsk and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Researchers from Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University and Italian psycholinguist Jacopo Saturno are also involved in the project. The initiative has received funding of PLN 222,800 from the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA).  Researchers…
More than PLN 850 000 has been donated to the University of Gdańsk by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) for cooperation activities with Odessa's Ilya Mynichkov National University (ONU). Student and staff mobility projects will be implemented throughout 2023 with the SEA-EU alliance.  - 'I believe that for the universities of our eastern neighbours, there is no better place today to implement modern forms…
36 hours of full-time Polish language classes, educational law and the Polish core curriculum will be given to Ukrainian teachers between August 29 and September 2 as part of a training course at the Faculty of Philology. This is part of a four-month course aimed at preparing refugees to work in Polish schools. In June this year, the project received a grant of nearly PLN 800,000 from the Centre for Teacher Education…
Presenting the involvement of the scientific and academic community in helping Ukrainians - is the aim of the conference 'Solidarity with Ukraine. Students, academics, institutions', organised by the University of Gdańsk and the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA. The event will take place on May 12 - 13, 2022 in Gdańsk. Registration is already underway. As…
people of UG
Almost every day, at one of the faculties of the University of Gdańsk, initiatives are born to help Ukraine. This time we are looking at the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology. Every Wednesday, a fair is organised by mgr Weronika Babinska, and a collection of donations is also held. In turn, dr Michał Rychłowski has been transporting refugees from Lviv to the Polish-Ukrainian border for a week. We would like to…
academic life
Rector of the University of Gdańsk, prof. Piotr Stepnowski on assistance for Ukraine.
academic life
The Faculty of Social Sciences is collecting things needed by refugees from Ukraine. Instantly, because just a day after Russia attacked Ukraine, it was organised by students of the University of Gdańsk as part of the #StudenciDlaUkraina #СтудентиДляУкраїни campaign. - 'As students of the University of Gdańsk we want to show our solidarity with our neighbours from across the eastern border and offer real support - not…
academic life
The Faculty of Philology of the University of Gdańsk in cooperation with the Academic Centre for Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners will prepare student volunteers to assist refugees in learning Polish. Prof. dr hab. Aneta Lewińska from the Institute of Polish Philology invites all willing students and doctoral students to an intensive course/workshop on teaching Polish as a foreign language. The first meeting…
The Faculty of History of the University of Gdańsk hosted prof. dr hab. Wiktor Horobec from the Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv and the laureate of the 2020 Ivan Vyhovsky Prize. Prof. dr. hab. Viktor Horobec is an internationally renowned and experienced researcher-historian and educator. He is a laureate of the Ivan Vyhovsky Prize, awarded since 2014, which honours…