academic life

academic life
Students from 15 faculties of the University of Gdańsk, as part of the integrative project 'Sztuka mówienia' (TN: The Art of Speaking), recorded an uplifting and socially important spot under the supervision of dr. Miłosz Wojtyna from the Philology Department of the University of Gdańsk. In their message, they convince that life satisfaction and self-acceptance have a huge…
academic life
Auctions prepared by the University of Gdańsk in connection with the 29th Finale of WOŚP have ended. Thanks to the involvement of the bidders, nearly PLN 9,000 was collected. Emotions from the 29th Finale of WOŚP, which was exceptional due to the pandemic and restrictions in force, are slowly subsiding. On February 3, ended the auction of items donated by the University of…
academic life
Scientists willing to cooperate in the role of substantive experts are sought by the executors of the project µGrants R&D for enterprises, strengthening the cooperation between the world of science and the world of business in Pomerania. Thanks to the µGrants R&D for enterprises project Pomeranian entrepreneurs may apply for non-refundable support for research and…
academic life
- Without the hubbub of conversations, thudding footsteps, bursts of laughter, nervous whispers, anecdotes, jokes and busyness, i.e. simply without people, this faculty turned out to be just a faculty.' wrote Filip Rudolf, a first-year student of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Gdańsk, in his story. Literary and diaristic attempts concerning the…
academic life
The University of Gdańsk is among the European universities that have been awarded an Erasmus Card for Higher Education (ECHE) for the years 2021-2027. It entitles them to apply for funding for all activities offered in the Erasmus+ programme, including student scholarship travel, teaching and administrative staff travel, and the opportunity to participate in many EU…
academic life
Students and staff of the University of Gdańsk, as well as those from outside the university, can take advantage of the language learning offer prepared by the Centre for Foreign Languages of the University of Gdańsk in cooperation with the Foundation for the Development of the University of Gdańsk. The range of languages currently includes English, Spanish, Italian, German,…
academic life
In the photo: dr hab. Artur Szutta, prof. UG, editor-in-chief of Filozofuj! Photo: Arek Smykowski/UG "Filozofuj!" is a magazine, but also an Internet portal, co-founded and edited by dr hab. Artur Szutta, prof. UG from the Institute of Philosophy, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Gdańsk. The idea to create it…
academic life
We borrow fewer books and use the reading room less frequently. Instead, we make more use of the new electronic possibilities - such is the noticeable result of the pandemic among the readers of the Main Library of the University of Gdańsk. Traditional contact with volumes has taken on new forms. Book-O-Mats and digitised collections will remain in use forever. The BUG…
academic life
Candidates are being recruited for the MIRAI (Mutual understanding, Intellectual Relations and Academic Exchange Initiative) programme, which offers students the opportunity to go to Japan for a stay of around one week, where they will take part in discussions with peers from other countries. During their stay, they will also learn about Japanese culture, economy and politics…
academic life
Dr hab. Maciej Duszczyk, prof. UW From now on I feel I am a fully-fledged member of the broadly understood community of the University of Gdańsk - said dr hab. Maciej Duszczyk, prof. UW, elected today by the University Senate as the Chairman of the University Council. - Remaining an employee of the University of Warsaw, I promise to share my experience in…