
In 2020, migrants accounted for as much as 3.6% of the world's population, in 48 years the vertebrate population has fallen by 69%. Where does this information come from? From the UG lessons, of course! We invite you to watch new popular science lectures prepared in cooperation with SAUR Neptun Gdańsk. The first one entitled 'Why do people migrate?' is conducted by dr Elżbieta Czapka from the Institute of Sociology at…
Dr hab. Hanna Dymel-Trzebiatowska, prof. UG, talks to Aleksandra Kuś about her book Philosophical and Translator's Wanderings in the Moominvalley, the non-binary Groke and the phenomenon of the Moomins. - In your publications, I have noticed a concentration of interest not only in the world of the Moomins themselves but also in works for children and young people, for example, the works of Astrid Lindgren. When did you…
Photo by Alan Stocki/UG The parasites of domestic animals associated with humans seem to be well understood. Meanwhile, dr hab. Joanna Izdebska, prof. UG, dr hab. Leszek Rolbiecki, prof. UG and dr Sławomira Fryderyk from the Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Parasitology, Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk, have…
Publication authors The publication titled 'Human EXOG Possesses Strong AP Hydrolysis Activity: Implication on Mitochondrial DNA Base Excision Repair', authored by scientists from the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG&MUG Faculty of Biotechnology: dr hab. Michał R. Szymański, prof. UG and dr Anna Karłowicz, has been…
The Baltic Sea Cultural Centre in Gdańsk and the Gdańsk Scientific Society would like to invite you on 17.11.2022 at 6 pm to a meeting with prof. dr hab. Małgorzata Omilanowska-Kiljańczyk, winner of the Jan Hevelius Science Prize of the City of Gdańsk for 2021. A week later - on 24.11.2022 - a meeting with the second laureate - prof. Ewa Łojkowska - will be held. Prof. Małgorzata Omilanowska - Kiljańczyk received the…
You meet them during X-ray scans or other diagnostic imaging. Medical physicists perform some of the most important research in modern medicine, but where do they acquire these skills? On Medical Physics Day, we take a look at how the course with this name has evolved after 11 years at the UG Department of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science. The first recruitment for medical physics at the University of Gdańsk…
prof. dr hab. Alicja Węgrzyn; photo by Alan Stocki The Polish Patent Office has decided to grant four patents to a team of scientists from the Faculty of Biology of the UG and the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences for an invention preventing and combating infections in humans and animals,…
"Enhancing Cancer Vaccine Science for New Therapy Pathways", CANVAS for short, is a new project of the / International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science(ICCVS). It is also the first venture funded by Horizon Europe, with the University of Gdańsk acting as coordinator. On October 18, the official opening of the project took place at the ICCVS headquarters. The 5th birthday of the unit was also celebrated at the ceremony…
The Research Assessment Reform Agreement sets a common direction for change in research assessment practices, researchers and research-performing organisations, with the overarching goal of maximising the quality and impact of research. The agreement includes principles, commitments and timelines for reforms and sets out principles for collaboration in implementing change. - 'The signatories commit to a shared vision…
Prof. Anton Zeilinger,  fot. Austrian Academy of Sciences press photos, Jacqueline Godany University of Gdańsk's honorary doctor of science prof. Anton Zeilinger, as well as Alain Aspect and John Clauser, have been awarded the Nobel Prize for their experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell's inequality and pioneering quantum…