
The programme of small grants - UGrants has been launched. This is another activity implemented at the University of Gdańsk within the framework of the Initiative for Research University Excellence (IDUB). The programme makes it possible to receive funding for preliminary research and preparatory activities aimed at planning a research project and acquiring funds for its…
The Gdańsk Scientific Society, which continues the tradition of the Society of Friends of Science and Art founded in July 1922 is preparing for the centenary celebrations. On July 11, 2022, it will be 100 years since the Society of Friends of Science and Art (TPNiS) in Gdansk was founded and registered in the Court of the Second Free City of Gdańsk. The tradition of TPNiS is cultivated by the Gdansk Scientific Society (…
We are pleased to inform that the project of Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka, DSc, from the Department of Intercultural and Genetic Psychology of the Institute of Psychology, University of Gdańsk, was recommended for funding in the 3rd edition of the M. Bekker Scholarship Programme. The programme aims to support researchers and academic teachers employed at Polish universities and scientific units in their pursuit of…
Gustav the wolf travelled more than 10,000 kilometres in less than a year. He started his journey in Dessau, Germany. He stopped in Rostock and Hamburg, from where he travelled almost to the Danish-German border. In spring, he continued his journey along the S6 route. He arrived in Pomerania crossing 27 highways and two rivers. - Currently, the wolf is in the area of the Slovincian Coast, i.e. between Łeba and Puck…
Magdalena Chułek, MA, from the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the Faculty of History of the University of Gdańsk, won the main prize "Anthropological research of the year 2020" in the competition of the Social Anthropology Section of the Polish Sociological Association for her paper "Hustling the mtaa way: The brainwork of the garbage business in Nairobi's slums" published in the prestigious…
Emily O'Reilly, European Ombudsman, appointed Dr Tomasz Tadeusz Koncewicz, Professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk, as part of the Advisory Committee, whose task is to evaluate and pre-select the best candidates for the annual 'Award for Good Administration'. The European Ombudsman - Emily O'Reilly invites for the third 'Award for Good…
Prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Węgrzyn. The outstanding molecular biologist from the Faculty of Biology of the University of Gdańsk, prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Węgrzyn, received Vebleo Scientist Award. The prestigious award recognizes his immense contribution to science, specifically to molecular biology. Vebleo prizes are awarded to the researchers and scientists…
The project: "Smart Control of the Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities" (SCORE) managed by dr Jacek Barańczuk from the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography, University of Gdańsk, received funding from the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Program. The main goal of the project will be to create a Coastal Cities Living Lab (CCLL) centre at the University of…
The University of Gdańsk was among the leaders in the National Science Center grants in 2019. According to the recently published annual report, the University of Gdańsk ranked 5th among universities and 6th among all NCN funding beneficiaries in 2019. The university received co-funding of PLN  28 638 000  after submitting 56 eligible projects. The success rate of submissions was 24%, which is a commendable result. The…
On 3 December 2020, the Polish Accreditation Committee (PKA) awarded the Biotechnology study program at the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of UG and MUG with the Certificate of Educational Excellence in the category "Excellent programme - excellence in education". It is a great honour because the Biotechnology programme at MWB UG and MUG is the only Biotechnology…