
Dr Beata Karpińska-Musiał and Piotr Sobolczyk will discuss different ways of looking at universities. We would like to invite you today, November 10, to ul. Długa 35, where the meeting will begin at 6:00 pm. Both guests are authors of books on universities, but they have chosen completely different forms to describe these institutions. Dr Beata Karpińska-Musiał's book is an autoethnography, a personal account of her…
Italy is one of the most culturally rich countries in the world. From the Etruscan civilisation to the works of modern artists, Italian museums and monuments are one of the country's main tourist attractions. These items are also of great interest to criminals, which is why a special Carabinieri Unit for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (Italian: Il Comando Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale) was set up in 1969…
The ŻakArt project comprises a total of 45 cultural events in 15 cities in Poland. The initiative grew out of a collaboration initiated in 2019 within the framework of the National Student Culture Forum between student culture centres from 15 academic centres across Poland. Three years of continuous contact have allowed a framework for cooperation to take shape, which…
- 'With the presented series of paintings, I invite you on this unusual for me journey to seaside universities, seen through the colours, emotions, details or surroundings of a given place,' - said dr hab. inż. Aneta Oniszczuk-Jastrzabek, prof. UG, opening the painting exhibition 'SEA EU by the Sea' on 3 October in the Main Library of the University of…
We would like to invite you to the Garncarska Festival! On September 4, we will explore the nooks and crannies of one of the oldest streets in Gdańsk and talk about the future of urban space. The event programme includes workshops, refreshments from Garncarska restaurateurs, meetings and walks. Participants will spend time together in this characteristic part of the city to take a fresh look at Gdańsk's public space…
Student, professor or doctoral student - anyone can take part in the 18th edition of the Popularisers of Science competition. All you have to do is share your knowledge with a larger group of people daily. You can submit your popular science activity under five categories: 'Animator', 'Institution', 'Media', 'Scientist' and 'Team'. Entries…
The exhibition will be on display from August 5 to September 30 in front of St Catherine's Church in Gdańsk. Until September 30, a new exhibition can be seen in front of St Catherine's Church in Gdańsk: 'Pioneers, researchers, leaders. Women of Gdańsk science'. On the day of the opening - August 5 - a panel discussion was held at Hevelius Square with three…
The Andrzej Wajda UG Film Centre and the Faculty of Philology will host the 28th edition of the 'Visible Evidence' conference from August 10-14. This is one of the most prestigious conferences devoted to film and media globally. Invented almost 30 years ago, it travels the world, organised in a different location every year. Its hosts have included university centres in cities such as Los Angeles, Buenos Aires, Istanbul…
Get hooked on one of your favourite magazines (Vogue, The New Yorker, Forbs, Total Film, National Geographic, Homes & Gardens and many more) wherever you are - at home or on the move, by the sea or in the mountains, in Poland or abroad.  You can read magazines on any device: laptop, tablet or smartphone. Using the Flipster app (iOS and Android), you can also download and read selected titles offline - anywhere…
This Friday, the 10th of June, we would like to invite everyone to the premiere of a performance inspired by William Shakespeare's drama 'Othello', directed by Jan Orszulak, the founder and director of Standby Studio at the Academic Cultural Centre of the University of Gdańsk. Elwira Romaniuk: - What is it like to 'create'? Jan Orszulak, director at Standby Studio - It gives you an incredible sense of freedom and self…