The last meeting of the Senate of the University of Gdańsk this academic year was opened by the Rector, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski, with the presentation of diplomas of recognition for the highest ranked courses of study in the Perspektywa 2024 ranking.
The diplomas were received by: Dean of the Faculty of Languages dr hab. Arkadiusz Janicki, prof. UG for 5th position in History, Dean of the Faculty of Languages dr hab. Urszula Patocka-Sigłowy, prof. UG for 4th position in Cultural Studies, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences prof. dr hab. Michał Harciarek for 5th position in Psychology and National Security, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration dr hab. Małgorzata Balwicka-Szczyrba, prof. UG for 5th position in Criminology, Dean of the Faculty of Biology prof. dr hab. Dariusz Szlachetko for 5th position in Biology, Dean of the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG and MUG dr hab. Ewelina Król , prof. UG for 3rd position in Biotechnology, and Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry dr hab. Beata Grobelna, prof. UG for 4th position in Environmental Protection. The Rector congratulated the faculty authorities and staff on their results.
In turn, the Vice-Rectors and UG Senators gathered in the hall congratulated the Rector on his election as President of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities.
The Senators considered and gave a positive opinion on the applications for the employment of university professors at UG:
- Faculty of Social Sciences for the employment of dr Barbara Kijewska (referred by Dean prof. Michał Harciarek),
- Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics for employing dr Adam Kostulak, dr hab. Barbara Wolnik, dr hab. Ilia Serdiuk and dr hab. Filip Strobin (referred by Dean Elect dr hab. Marcin Marciniak, prof. UG),
- Faculty of Biology for the employment of dr hab. Lidia Gaffke, dr hab. Magdalena Podlacha, dr hab. Anna Iglikowska, dr hab. Barbara Kędzierska (referred by Dean prof. Dariusz Szlachetko),
- Faculty of Law and Administration for employment of dr hab. Maciej Wojciechowski (referred by the Vice-Dean prof. UG Małgorzata Balwicka-Szczyrba).
The Rector, prof. Piotr Stepnowski, then announced that no one had made any comments on the amendments to the UG Statutes, which had been discussed earlier, and that they had also been approved by the trade unions, doctoral students' self-government and the University Council. dr hab. Mariusz Bogusz, prof. UG presented changes related to the exhausted pool of doctoral students studying in the so-called old mode. According to the amendment, a doctoral student is to study in the field represented at the faculty. The Senate approved the proposed amendment.
The next item on the agenda was the voting on applications for awards from the Minister of Science for employees, which were presented by the Vice-Rector for Research, prof. dr hab. Wiesław Laskowski. The senators approved the applications for:
- a lifetime achievement award for prof. dr hab. Jacek Zaucha from the Faculty of Economics
- an award for scientific activity for prof. dr hab. Małgorzata Lipowska from the Faculty of Social Sciences
- an award for teaching activities for dr Beata Karpińska-Musiał, prof. UG from the Faculty of Languages
- an award for organisational activities for dr Marcin Szulc, prof. UG from the Faculty of Social Sciences.
In the next item, a vote was held on the candidacy for the post of Director of the UG Main Library of dr hab. Arnold Kłonczyński, prof. UG, who ends his term of office as Vice-Rector on 31.08.2024. The Rector, who addressed the item, recalled that the term of office of the Director of the BUG had been introduced and presented the candidacy for the post, emphasising, among other things, his excellent knowledge of the bibliophile market and his orientation to the needs of students, e.g. with regard to changes in the functioning of the library. Senator Wojciech Flisikowski of BUG, on behalf of the Library staff, expressed support for the candidature and asked for a positive opinion, which the Senate did.
Later in the meeting, the Vice-Rector, prof. Wiesław Laskowski, put to a vote the nominations of employees to the Council of the National Science Centre, reminding that the Council replaces half of its members every 2 years, and that the right to put forward candidates is vested in universities where a given discipline has gained category A or A+. As the Vice-Rector added, the Deans of Faculties and Chairmen of Discipline Councils at UG indicated: prof. dr hab. Piotr Bojarski (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics), Małgorzata Lipowska (WNS), prof. dr hab. Wiesław Długokęcki (Faculty of History), prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Rolka (Faculty of Chemistry), dr hab. Natasha Szutta, prof. UG (WNS) and prof. dr hab. Kamil Zeidler (WPiA). The nominations received a positive opinion from the Senate.
The Senate also gave a positive opinion to the candidatures of scientists and academics from the Faculty of Law and Administration to the Disciplinary Committee at the General Council for Higher Education: prof. dr hab. Monika Tomaszewska, prof. dr hab. Radosław Giętkowski, prof. UG and dr Adam Bochentyn. All passed.
The next items on the agenda were the voting of resolutions on the change of symbols of directional learning outcomes for studies conducted at the University of Gdańsk, and on the establishment of curricula for courses. The Vice-Rector, Prof. UG Arnold Kłonczyński, who was speaking, pointed out that in the first case it was a resolution tidying up the learning outcomes system in connection with the introduction of the e-University system, and in the second case he thanked the Faculty of Management for its work on adjusting the programmes, thanks to which it will already be possible to implement modified programmes in the new academic year. The Senate adopted the resolutions.
The Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality also presented another resolution concerning the establishment of the postgraduate programme. As he noted, in addition to the revision, a new proposal was presented: postgraduate studies. ‘Perhaps this opens up new opportunities for cooperation with Ukrainian universities. We will watch closely the development of these studies and perhaps recommend similar solutions in other faculties using the potential of cooperation with Ukraine,’ the Vice-Rector added. The Senate adopted the resolution.
Next, a report on the activities of the UG Academic Council was presented by its current Chair, prof. UMK Dominik Antonowicz, and the previous Chair, prof. UW Maciej Duszczyk, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration. The Rector thanked the members of the Council for their activity and support for the activities of the university authorities and presented Prof. UW Maciej Duszczyk with a letter of thanks. Referring to the position currently held by the former President, the Rector said that a migration observatory was being established at UG, which could be an important support for the Ministry. Prof. UW Maciej Duszczyk, in turn, thanked for three years of cooperation, which was a new and very interesting experience for him.
Dr Joanna Kamień, Director of the UG Publishing House, then presented a package of pro-quality changes concerning the qualification of books for publication. The Senate adopted this item as well.
The Senators also gave a positive opinion on the motion to accept the donation of INTEL to the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, which was referred to by prof. UG Marcin Marciniak.
The minutes of the previous Senate meetings were approved, and then, under the item "free motions", the Rector and the Vice-Rectors thanked the UG Senators for four years of hard work and activity on the forum by presenting diplomas.
A separate vote of thanks, in the form of a short, witty presentation, was given to the Rector's authorities by Senator prof. Jacek Zaucha, who also appreciated the work of the UG Organisation Office, which prepares the Senate meetings, headed by its manager, mgr Anna Pauli.
The Senate also watched a short film summarising the recent international cruise of r/v Oceanograf, and dr Jan Patok reported on our athlete and competitor AZS UG, Aleksandra Melzacka (WNS) and mgr Michał Krasnodomski (WZ), who have qualified for the Summer Olympics in Paris, where they will represent Poland in sailing.
Piotr Patalas, meanwhile, invited everyone to the 4th Young Science Congress, which begins on July 11, 2024.
The Rector concluded the meeting with wishes for a successful summer holiday.