A unique device, one of a few in the world, a scanner for hyperspectral imaging of geological sediment cores, was obtained from an NCN Opus grant by the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography of the University of Gdańsk. It makes it possible to detect photopigments in sediments, which are important indicators of past environmental changes.…
On the initiative of six students of Genetics and Experimental Biology from the Faculty of Biology at the University of Gdańsk, work is underway to create the only Polish-English dictionary in the field of broadly defined biology (from biochemistry to ecology) that can be used by all interested persons. 'The Polish-English Biology Dictionary', which UG students have been…
academic life
The Webometrics ranking is published twice a year (at the end of January and July), covering more than 31 000 Higher Education Institutions worldwide. The aim of the ranking is to motivate both institutions and scholars to have a web presence that reflect accurately their activities. The main indicators used create a ranking list are: visibility (number of external networks linking to the institution's webpages…
As part of the 'Visiting Professors' programme in the winter semester, the University of Gdańsk was visited by the American historian prof. John Dunn of Valdosta State University and his students. During his stay, he conducted research and lectures, and his students were able to learn about Polish culture and history. On January 5, 2022, prof. Dunn returned to the States but continues to cooperate with researchers from…
academic life
We would like to invite you to read our International Office newsletter 02, presenting activities and actions in the field of international cooperation. In the newsletter we provide information about competitions, projects, scholarships dedicated to staff and students. You’ll also find information about international mobility of staff and students. Newsletter is also posted on the student’s and employee portal. Please…
people of UG
The International Centre for Vaccine Science at the University of Gdansk (ICCVS) has new leadership. Rector  of the University of Gdańsk  Prof. Dr. Piotr Stepnowski has entrusted Prof. Natalia Marek-Trzonkowska the position of Director of ICCVS since January 2022. Prof. Marek-Trzonkowska was recommended by the International Scientific Committee supporting the Centre's activities and approved by the Foundation for Polish…
Scientists of the Fahrenheit Universities have gained a new tool, which will make projects and research work significantly easier. As part of the grant project titled Supporting University Consolidation Processes, a system of joint management of member universities’ infrastructure was developed. 133 items of large apparatus and 59 laboratories (core lab), including 2 strategic ones, were placed on the list. Based on the…
An asteroid with a diameter of about one kilometre will pass relatively close to the Earth today at a speed of over 70 000 km per hour. The phenomenon will be viewable through telescopes and on NASA's website. The asteroid, designated (7482) 1994 PC1, was discovered by astronomer Robert McNaught while conducting observations at Siding Spring Observatory in Australia in 1994. The astronomer specialises in discovering…
We already know the results of the first edition of the 'Visiting Professors' - project, which aims to invite lecturers from all over the world to the University of Gdańsk. Out of 14 applications, the Committee for Verification of Applications selected 8. As many as half of the accepted applications were submitted by employees of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science. A second call for applications…
Collected seeds of endangered species/Photo: M. Lazarus. Staff at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Gdańsk have set up a seed bank for 33 species of rare and endangered plants in Gdańsk Pomerania, as well as a bank of in vitro cultures of these species. In this way, they secured their gene resources. The work was carried out under the project '…
academic life
The high number of University of Gdańsk employees who have taken advantage of the vaccination programme against SARS-CoV-2 (91%) as well as students (81.2) and PhD students (87.8%) suggests that the organisation of education in the summer term should be similar to that in the winter term. As a rule, classes will be held on a stationary basis, but deans, heads of doctoral studies and doctoral schools as well as heads of…
DEAR STUDENTS! Do you want to see how the research and internships at foreign universities and companies are conducted? Are you planning to improve your knowledge of the foreign languages? Or maybe you need to invest in your professional and scientific development? If you feel that this is an opportunity for you - see the SEA-EU offer! During the next summer vacation, SEA-EU…
According to the list of scored scientific journals from December 21, the value of scientific journals of the University of Gdańsk increased by 205 points. Changes were made to 7 UG publications. Four of them were given higher scores and the remaining three were added to the list. The Ministry of Science and Education has again prepared a list of scored scientific journals and conference proceedings. There are now 32…
academic life
Students of the University of Gdańsk got involved in many pre-Christmas initiatives aimed at helping those in need. Nearly 45 kg of food was collected in a food collection for the "Za Stołem" community shop in Gdańsk organised by the Logistics Students' Club of the Faculty of Economics. The Gdańsk University…
At the end of 2021, the convention of SEA-EU representatives was hosted by the University of Gdańsk. Between November 30 and December 2, meetings of the Governing Board, the Executive Committee and the SEA-EU Technical Working Group took place. We invite you to watch the video report from the event prepared by the Film and Documentary Production Centre UG. University of the Seas, SEA-EU - an alliance of six European and…
Issues of the importance of algae and shrimp farming in the food economy, blue bond financing and the sensitivity of Polish consumers to environmental issues are on the agenda of a webinar series entitled Challenges and Opportunities of Blue Bioeconomics in the Baltic Sea Region. It will take place in January and February 2022 at UG as part of the BluePlatform project. It is organised by the Department of Experimental…
academic life
UG's Faculty of Biology, The Gdańsk Zoological Garden and The Gdynia Aquarium invite you to the Night of Biologists i.e. lectures, workshops, and shows presenting modern biology. "Biodiversity: from gene to ecosystem" is the theme of this year's Night. It fully reflects the nature of biology - DIVERSITY! The theme also characterizes not only biological organisms but also…
Dr Maurycy Żarczyński from the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography of the University of Gdańsk is among the winners of this year's edition of the Bekker NAWA scholarship programme, which provides an opportunity for a prestigious research internship. The young scientist will spend a year and a half doing palaeoclimatological research at Nothern Arizona University. The aim of the programme is to support the…
academic life
A collection of previously unpublished texts by UG students of film and audiovisual arts was published as an e-book entitled Projekt Szuflada. Alternator, Academic Cultural Centre of the University of Gdańsk, has several publications to its credit: the academic periodical 'Panoptikum', the student yearbook 'Przezrocze', the anthology 'Proza życia' (created on the occasion of the Literary Competition), a Kashubian…
Eight researchers from Poland, Ghana and China attempted to determine how the spread of poetic culture abroad affects the image of the city of Zhenjiang in their research projects. The first prize of the Academy of Social Sciences of Zhenjiang for a project within applied research in social sciences was awarded to dr Magdalena Łągiewska from the WPiA UG, director of the Confucius Institute of the UG together with an…
academic life
The winter collection for animals from Tri-City shelters is still on until the end of December 2021. If you have excess unnecessary towels, blankets or old bed covers at home, share them with the animals. Throughout the year the shelter uses a lot of towels (e.g. to dry dogs after bathing), and blankets and pillowcases are mainly used for kittens and puppies. The textile…
academic life
Too many resolutions are an easy way not to keep any of them. It is better to take small steps towards change. January is often a month of change, a surge of new energy and a desire to act. It is also the time of New Year's resolutions. We talk to a psychologist dr. Agata Rudnik from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Gdańsk about whether…
academic life
- 'The Gospel accounts about the birth and the adventures of Jesus' childhood are not at all from the genre of idyll, to which we have become accustomed by the sentimental Christmas devotion. It is like a drama composed of several acts,' - said prof. Bogusław Górka, historian and religious expert from the Faculty of History of the University of Gdańsk, in a conversation with…
academic life
The Committee of the Ivan Vyhovsky Prize announces a call for applications for the Main Prize and Scientific Internships for the academic year 2022/23. Applications, including a description of the candidate's merits and achievements - from universities, institutes, organizations, institutions, associations etc. or individuals, as well as applications of the candidates…
academic life
A group of children from the University Kindergarten visited the authorities of the University of Gdańsk. They presented the rector with hand-made Christmas cards. It was certainly an unusual visit. The group of preschoolers pleasantly surprised the University of Gdańsk authorities. The kids handed their self-made cards with Christmas wishes to the Rector of UG, prof. Piotr…
academic life
Gdańsk scouts gave the lantern with the Light to the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, prof. Piotr Stepnowski. The Bethlehem Light of Peace has an almost 30-year tradition and is a symbol of reconciliation and peace. The motto of this year's edition is 'Light of Hope'. The Bethlehem Light of Peace was organised for the first time in 1986 in Austria, as a part of the…
In the photo from the left: dr Jacek Przybylski, dr Dagmara Budnik-Przybylska and dr hab. Maria Kaźmierczak - members of the team representing UG in the project. Creating training content combining the knowledge of six European universities in the field of mental preparation of athletes and sports psychology is the aim of the EURO-MENTAL project, whose…
academic life
Vocal Studio of the University of Gdańsk prepared a Christmas video of the song 'Tak jak śnieg'. The new musical arrangement of the song by Kuba Badach and Janusz Onufrowicz was prepared by Krzysztof Majda, a singer, producer and vocal coach. It is the first production of the Vocal Studio UG operating at the ACK Alternator.  
UG alumni
The film 'The Groom' has been noticed at this year's Gdynia Film Festival. It is the first serious production of Jan Saczek, a graduate of the Faculty of Film and Audiovisual Culture at the University of Gdańsk. In the picture, the actor playing the main role, Jakub Zając. ‘The Groom’ has been selected for the short film…
academic life
We invite you to read the latest December issue of the University Gazette. In the issue, among others: Christmas Gdańsk a hundred years ago, a Day with Norwid, anniversaries of the University Guard and the Choir of the Faculty of Management 'Non Serio', an article about Regional Sightseeing Tours, an account of the sixth edition of the Nordic Focus Festival, six interviews, an article about the success of our University…