academic life
academic life
We invite you to read the latest special issue of 'University Gazette', inspired by the May events organised under the common title 'JERZY LIMON: Inspiration - Dialogue - Polemics' by the University of Gdańsk in cooperation with the Shakespeare Theatre in Gdańsk and the Theatrum Gedanense Foundation.
The issue includes an article by the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, prof. Piotr Stepnowski, from the catalogue of…
academic life
Recruitment at the University of Gdańsk will mostly continue until mid-September. So if you are still confronted with the choice of studies, we encourage you to familiarise yourself with our offer. A detailed recruitment schedule is available on the UG website.
- 'During the enrolment process for Bachelor's and Master's degrees for the 2022/2023 academic year at UG, the most…
academic life
Those wishing to professionally assist and support a selected community in crises can still take up studies on the Social Work major, implemented by the Institute of Pedagogy, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Gdańsk. - This is a course for those interested not only in the knowledge of contemporary social problems but also in actively solving them - says prof. dr hab. Maria Mendel, Head of the Social Pedagogy…
academic life
Bumblebee (Bombus). Source/Blog Ms entomologist.
'Ms Entomologist' is a blog about the identification, life, biology, husbandry and usefulness of invertebrates. It is run by dr Paulina Kozina from the Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Parasitology, Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk. If you want to learn more about this group of animals, we…
academic life
We would like to invite you to take part in the fourth one-day Saturday tour in the series 'Historical holidays with CASiD', organised by the Centre for Student and Doctoral Activities in cooperation with the UG Student Parliament, the UG Faculty of History Student Government Council and the editorial board of the 'University Gazette'.
Below are the details of this trip.
Tour IV - Owidz (Festival of Slavic Mythology…
academic life
A paper by the team of dr hab. Michał Szymański, prof. UG on RNA primer deletion and DNA end formation has been published in the prestigious journal Nucleic Acids Research. Co-authors of the publication include MWB UG and GUMed Dean dr hab. Ewelina Król, prof. UG.
In recent months, the group of scientists led by prof. Michał Szymański has enjoyed several successes. In December 2021, the team received an extension of…
academic life
Katarzyna Kamińska-Korolczuk's book 'Politics and the media versus the crisis of trust. Information Policy of the State Powers in Times of Danger' was awarded in this year's eleventh edition of the competition for the dr Paweł Stępka Award for the best doctoral dissertation and publication in the field of electronic media, organised by the National Broadcasting Council, the…
academic life
The last meeting of the UG Senate in this academic year began with thanks for years of work and the presentation of the silver medal of the University of Gdańsk 'Bene merito et merenti' to the Director of the Main Library, Grażyna Jaskowiak. Amendments to the UG Statutes and a report on the activities of the University Council were unanimously adopted.
Director Grażyna Jaskowiak has been associated with the University…
academic life
The Rector, prof. Piotr Stepnowski, met today (Wednesday 13.07.2022) with representatives of the Trade Unions operating at the University of Gdańsk: NSZZ Solidarność, ZNP and OZZ Inicjatywa Pracownicza, to work out a joint position on raises for the lowest-paid employees of our university - administrative staff, maintenance staff and young academics. A joint appeal on this issue was signed to the Minister of Education…
academic life
As part of the 'Active Univeristy' course, seventeen children of employees of the University of Gdańsk took part in a five-day artistic and recreational summer play centre organised by the UG Centre for Physical Education and Sport and the UG Academic Sports Club.
Children love to acquire new information and learn about the world through experience, touch, contact with nature…