academic life

academic life
Dr hab. Anna Machnikowska, prof. UG has been elected Chair of the Science Policy Committee. The Professor thus continues the work she started after her appointment to the Committee in 2020. The Committee for Scientific Policy is an auxiliary body of the Minister in the area of state scientific policy. The Committee evaluates the implementation of the state's scientific policy and gives its opinion on documents presented…
academic life
- 'Looking into the depths of the Polish tradition we keep reading it anew,' - says Barbara Madany, the organisational manager of the Ensemble. - 'The idea behind the jubilee celebrations can be summed up in one sentence - "Jantar is a history written by people".'. Jubilee concerts of the Ensemble have been announced for the coming weekend. The Gdańsk University Song and Dance Ensemble Jantar, comprising of students and…
academic life
Piotr Pawlak, a student of the Academy of Music in Gdańsk and a graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics at the University of Gdańsk, and the Student Scientific Association 'Passionate Pediatricians' from the Medical University of Gdańsk were the winners of this year's Red Rose Competition. The edition was hosted by the University of Gdańsk. The competition, which selects the best student and the…
academic life
The 11th final of the StRuNa 2021 National Competition was held on the stage of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Among the winners of prizes for scientific clubs was the Psychological Research Circle 'Experior' from the University of Gdańsk. Once again, as part of the StRuNa 2021 competition (the name comes from the first letters of the words Studencki Ruch Naukowy [Student Scientific Movement]), prizes were awarded…
academic life
In the information on the results of enrolment for the academic year, 2021/2022 at universities supervised by the Minister of Education and Science, the University of Gdańsk was among the universities most frequently selected by university candidates. According to the status as of December 31, 2020, provided by the Polish Central Statistical Office (GUS), 349 HEIs were operating in the academic year 2020/21, of which…
academic life
November 11, National Independence Day “The day of November 11, as the anniversary of the Polish nation regaining its independent existence and as a day for all times associated with the great name of Józef Piłsudski, the victorious leader of the nation in the fight for the freedom of the homeland, is a solemn Independence Day”. November 11, we celebrate the 103d anniversary of Poland regaining independence after 123…
academic life
The Index Copernicus Value (ICV) calculated by ICV experts for the journal published by the scientists of the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography of the University of Gdańsk amounted to 149.53, which places 'Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies' in first place among journals specialising in Oceanography in this database and very high in the entire database of journals. The quarterly scientific journal…
academic life
The University of Gdańsk, in the Arts and Humanities domain rankings published on November 3, 2021, takes the 5th position among Polish universities. In the field of Arts and Humanities, our University is listed among 8 Polish universities and is ranked 5th behind Warsaw University (ranked 201-250 in the world), Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and Jagiellonian University (ranked 301-400) and Nicolaus Copernicus…
academic life
For the third time, the Day of Sustainable Development took place at the University of Gdańsk. Special lectures and workshops were organised on this occasion at the Faculty of Chemistry. The theme this year was water and its importance for life on the planet. Katarzyna Bosacka, a journalist, author of programmes on health and cooking, and special guest of the event at the UG talks about the state of consciousness of the…
academic life
The UG research vessel R/V Oceanograf made its first cruise after sea trials. During it, scientists conducted biological and hydrological research. Further cruises using the most modern scientific research vessel on the Baltic Sea are being carried out. The research vessel UG R/V Oceanograf underwent a month-long class overhaul, carried out after the first five years of operation. - 'The individual components were…